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Arne Brasseur edited this page Mar 30, 2016 · 1 revision

Attendee Care

For our attendees you are the face of ClojureBridge Berlin. You take and process their applications, you handle communication with them, you make sure their needs and concerns are addressed.


  • prepare 1 application form which includes both languages GER/ENG

  • set date on closing the form


  • select attendees (time intense)

  • mail "on board" and “waiting list” mails

  • get confirmation/cancellation

  • send mails to waiting list

  • report shirt sizes to merchandise role

  • match coaches with attendees to groups (considering experience and language) (time intense)


  • Make sure coaches know exactly what to install and what to test


  • Receive attendees, give them name tags, hand out t-shirts

  • Handle last minute group changes (due to no-shows, level gaps, etc)

  • encourage people to show their results in the code demo

Coaches Care


  • prepare application form

  • talk to possible coaches

  • share application form

  • create doodle for coaches preparation evening, find date

  • mail date to selected coaches


  • create meetup, host preparation event, explain basics of coaching

  • send them the details about the workshop

Installfest, Workshop:

  • Receive coaches, give them name tags, hand out t-shirts

  • Help coordinate groups, answer questions from coaches



Pre-workshop, InstallFest, Workshop

  • Handle space/table configuration

  • Make sure we have enough power sockets

  • Check the projector, make sure presenters have the necessary display adapters

  • Get the wifi password

  • Check with Food&Drinks (e.g. do they need plates & cutlery)

Event hosting


  • before the event: find 4-5 lightning talk speakers


  • MC: give warm welcome

  • MC: all important information in GER and ENG

  • MC: explain CoC and introduce the CoC-Responsibles

  • MC: moderate lightning talks

  • MC: moderate ending and code demo

Food & Drinks

  • make sure we have (vegan) food & drinks for coaches training, installfest, breakfast, lunch, afternoon snacks

  • double check for coffee

  • food: vegan (optionally also non-vegan vegetarian). Keep in mind attendee food allergies

  • order drinks including non-alcoholic & sugar free

  • call caterer 2 days & 4 hours before event

  • order cupcakes with logo (make sure to order vegan ones as well)

Sponsors & Finance

  • Notify/sync with Travis Foundation (Annika) so they know what we’re up to

  • Drive search for sponsors

  • Keep track of expenses, budget

  • Coordinate with Travis Foundation, sponsors, suppliers

  • Send a thank you to the sponsors and a summary of how the event went afterwards


  • design Shirts, Stickers, Posters etc.

  • order in time

  • pick up and get stuff to venue

Communication/Marketing (ministry of propaganda :P)

  • Manage the twitter account

  • Advertise event on different channels (newspaper, radio, social media)

  • Reach out to other orgs/groups (other local women in tech, general user groups, ..)

  • Talk to press (if applicable)

  • Tweet during the event, including shoutouts to sponsors

  • Write a blog post for the Travis foundation blog

ClojureBridge Contact

  • Keep in touch with our mentor

  • Write copy for the ClojureBridge website

  • Work with ClojureBridge to get the page published

Please see the Workshops repo for details. You will need to create a GitHub issue in that repo using the template provided.

  • Follow up on this, e.g. adding sponsors as they come in

  • Send announcement of the event to the clojurebridge-workshops ML

  • Send summary/report after the event to the clojurebridge-wokshops ML

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