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[email] Sponsor Mail Twilio

Malwine edited this page Mar 30, 2016 · 1 revision

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It was great to see you again yesterday. I hope you had a memorable party night :)

As mentioned I'm on the lookout for kind companies that want to help us make the world a better place by sponsoring ClojureBridge Berlin.

The next workshop is 22/23 of January.

In return for sponsoring we offer exposure during the event (mention and logo at the start and end presentation), you can send us swag to hand out, we will elaborately tweet about your awesomeness, and your logo will grace our website and the ClojureBridge event page.

Of course if you're a major sponsor you can also get a few minutes to introduce yourself to our attendees.

A typical sponsorship is in the 400 to 600 euro range, although that's negotiable.

Our website is at

More info about sponsoring you can find here

Thanks, Arne

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