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[email] Reachout Mail RubyMonstas

Malwine edited this page Mar 30, 2016 · 1 revision

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Sent to Rubymonstas, 2015-12-13

Hello Monstas!

There's a ClojureBridge workshop happening next month. Clojure is a programming language that in some ways is a bit similar to Ruby, but that's also very different. You can use it to make web apps, or do creative stuff with visuals and sound.

The workshop is open for people identifying as women, all levels are welcome.

You can sign up here [Insert attendee form link]

The workshop takes place on [Date], at Wunderlist/Microsoft close to Alexanderplatz.

Have a look at our website if you want to learn more, or just send me an email if you have any questions

At the workshop we work towards programming visuals with a library called Quil. You can try it out in your browser to see how that looks with this interactive tutorial:

Cheers, Arne

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