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[email] Sponsor Email Thank You (Version 2)

Franziska Schmidt edited this page Jul 14, 2016 · 1 revision

Dear ClojureBridge Sponsors,

The third ClojureBridge workshop was 4 weeks ago, and we've finally had some quiet time to reflect on the great success it was again.

Thank you so much for supporting our event and the Berlin Clojure community in this way. Without you, the event would not have been as great as it was. With your help, we had a great location, vegan and vegetarian food, drinks, note-books, and all the little things that make a workshop a success -- nametags, paper and pens, stickers, and so much more.

We also know that behind the companies themselves are individuals who asked their companies for sponsorship. Thank you, all of you individuals, too for making this happen. It means a lot to us that you care about creating community and improving diversity in the Clojure community in Berlin.

A special thank you to those of you also supported us not for the first, but second or even the third time. It's great to see continuity in the people who care to help and understand that change is not a one-time action but requires time and patience. We hope you'll be along to help again for our next workshop too.

[group picture]

PS: You can find some more pictures from the event on our twitter ( at and instagram accounts (at

Thank you again for your support <3

Much love,

The ClojureBridge Orga Team

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