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[email] Coach Signup Confirmation Email

Arne Brasseur edited this page Nov 15, 2016 · 11 revisions

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SUBJECT: [ClojureBridge Berlin] Thanks for signing up to coach!

Hi {{Your first name}},

Thank you for your interest in coaching at ClojureBridge Berlin! It's people like you that make this great event possible.

Please already mark these days in your calendar

  • 17 November (evening) : Coaches training
  • 25 November (evening) : InstallFest
  • 26 November : Workshop day

As a development environment students will be using NightCode [1]. We recommend you already install it and try it out at home.

We use the official ClojureBridge curriculum [2] for teaching. It's a good idea to already read through this once before the workshop. We have a few people working on improving the curriculum. If you want to help them please email us at [email protected].

There's a great compilation of tips for coaches [3] written by the people from the Ruby Monstas study group.

Registration closes 6th November. We'll be in touch after that, and look forward to meeting you at the coaches training!

Best, The ClojureBridge Berlin Team

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