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[email] Sponsor Mail Thank you!

Malwine edited this page Mar 30, 2016 · 3 revisions

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Dear ClojureBridge Sponsors,


Last weekend’s ClojureBridge was a huge success! Sixty learners and coaches came together for 1.5 days to code in Clojure.

Without you, the event would not have been as great as it was. With your help, we provided vegan and vegetarian food, drinks, snacks, t-shirts, and all the little things that make a workshop a success -- nametags, paper and pens, stickers, and so much more.

[Picture hashtag pictures]

I’m grateful to all the companies who sponsored us. I know, however, that behind the companies were people who asked their companies for sponsorship. Thank you, all of you individuals, too for making this happen. It means a lot to me personally that you care about creating community and improving diversity in the Clojure community in Berlin.

I’m happy that coaches really had a fun time:

[Picture Tweet]

As well as learners:

[Picture Tweet]

We know that it’s just the first step for Clojure in Berlin, and we hope you’ll be along for the ride in the next years as we grow the Clojure community in Berlin.

Thanks again for helping us make this happen!

Yours very truly,

The organizers and attendees of ClojureBridge 2015

[Group Picture]

PS: For a full report on the workshop, keep your eyes open for a blog post on our website :D

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