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[email] Speakers Preparation 2017

chris⚡ edited this page Aug 8, 2017 · 1 revision

Hello {{speaker name}},

I'm excited that you are interested in giving a talk at ClojureBridge! Here's some information about the process:


  • Please fill out the speaker registration form this week! It's okay if you don't have a set talk title, you can email us later with updates.
  • We also welcome you to participate in the ClojureBridge experience yourself! Register as a coach or attendee.

About the talk:

  • The format is lightning talks, 5 minutes long.
  • You can choose to give your talk in EN or DE. We aim to have a mix of both, so I'd recommend giving a talk in English
  • Ideas of how to introduce yourself:
    • what made you interested in technology, why are you interested in it?
    • what are you doing/working as today?
    • what was your journey into programming like?
  • It would be awesome to hear about your experiences with Clojure, but the talk doesn't have to involve Clojure. We want to inspire our learners with personal journeys, interesting multi-disciplinary adventures with coding, having fun and getting creative with programming, and other motivating topics!
  • You can bring your own computer to present or use one of ours. WIFI, HDMI, USB-C, and Thunderbolt adapters will be available at the venue. Please do bring a pdf version or email it to Dani - just in case.

I'm sure this is all familiar to you, but as a formality here's some more details on etiquette:

  • Note please that our attendees are women and non-binary people, and the coaches and speakers are people of various genders. Therefore, please refrain from addressing your audience with gender-specific terms ("hello ladies", "welcome guys", etc). Instead, use gender-neutral phrases such as "hi folks", "hello clojure learners", "hey all", "hey everyone".
  • Be mindful of your audience. Most of our attendees have never programmed before, or only a little bit. Don't assume any technical knowledge, and explain things simply.
  • Please check out our Code of Conduct again and make sure your slides and your words conform with it. If you have questions or are unsure please don't hesitate to ask Dani for help.

Date and time:

All lightning talks are on Saturday afternoon, October 7.

  • Check-in: drop by between 12:00-13:00 to get registered, settled, and grab a beverage!
  • Lunch: 13:00-14:00. We provide a vegan buffet lunch for you before your talk.
  • The lightning talks take place after lunch, approximately around 14:00. We will have 5 lightning talks.
  • After the talks, we start with coaching again. If you're not participating in the workshop as attendee or coach, you may hang around a bit but please leave before our closing demos. These are for attendees & coaches only.



Saarbrücker Str. 38, 10405 Berlin

There will be a sign on the door with a phone number. If no one is at the door when you arrive, please give us a call and someone will pick you up downstairs.

If you have any questions, or need any assistance, please reach out to Dani ([email protected]), she is organising the lightning talk session and happy to help. See you soon!

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