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stsci-sienkiew edited this page Jul 9, 2012 · 9 revisions

Running tests

All directories are taken relative to the sympy root folder.

Source code tests

Every module has a suite of accompanying tests. In general, if module's code is stored in sympy/module_name, then the tests are stored in sympy/module_name/tests folder. Furthermore, if module's code is divided in multiple files (e.g. sympy/module_name/, sympy/module_name/, ...), then the corresponding tests are in files sympy/module_name/tests/, sympy/module_name/tests/, ...

Testing framework is based on pytest, but not completely compatible with it. It is implemented in sympy/utilities/

There are several interfaces to the testing framework. The main interface (the most configurable and used by other interfaces) is the library interface sympy.test(*paths, **kwargs). There are also two script interfaces, that are sometimes more practical to use: bin/test and python test.

sympy.test(*paths, **kwargs)

This function runs a specific test, if at least one pattern from the paths tuple is found in the path of the test file (one exception: if paths tuple is empty, all tests are run). For example, sympy.test('func') will run all tests of the functions module, as well as some other tests, whose name includes pattern func (e.g. sympy/core/tests/

The return value is True if all tests succeeded (no failures and no errors) or False otherwise.

Basic examples (for more information look at the docstring):

>>> import sympy

Run all tests:

>>> sympy.test()

Run just the tests for the sympy/core/ file. Either of the following two commands will do it:

>>> sympy.test("sympy/core/tests/")
>>> sympy.test("_basic")

Run all tests for the functions module and all tests for sympy/core/ file:

>>> sympy.test("sympy/core/tests/", "sympy/functions")

Run all tests for core and utilities modules:

>>> sympy.test("/core", "/util")

See also the docstring of sympy.test.


This script takes a number of options and arguments and then passes them to sympy.test(*paths, **kwargs). For help on arguments and options run bin/test --help. Arguments are passed directly to sympy.test(*paths, **kwargs), so the same rules apply to them as to the arguments of the sympy.test(*paths, **kwargs). Therefore to run all tests, you type:


To run just the tests for sympy/core/ file:

$bin/test test_basic

Run all tests for functions module and tests for the sympy/core/tests/ file:

$bin/test /functions test_basic

Run all tests for core and utilities modules:

$bin/test /core /utilities

Run code quality tests:

$bin/test code_quality

python test

This command internally first runs sympy.test() and if all tests pass it continues with sympy.doctest(). It thus runs all tests under the sympy root folder. It does not take any options or extra arguments.

Explanation of test results

Output Meaning
. passed
F failed
X XPassed (expected to fail but passed)
f XFAILed (expected to fail and indeed failed)
s skipped
w slow
T timeout (e.g., when --timeout is used)
K KeyboardInterrupt (when running the slow tests with --slow, you can interrupt one of them without killing the test runner)

Colors have no additional meaning and are used just to facilitate interpreting the output.


A doctest is a block of code that begins with a line of the form:

>>> some_python_code

and ends with a blank line. All lines in between (python commands and their outputs) have to be at the same indentation level. Another way to put it would be that doctests are interactive python sessions.

Doctests can be put into docstrings, tutorial sources, user's guide sources etc. Here is an example of a doctest in docstring of Ellipse's method center (sympy.geometry.Ellipse):

The center of the ellipse.


center : number


>>> from sympy import Point, Ellipse
>>> p1 = Point(0, 0)
>>> e1 = Ellipse(p1, 3, 1)
Point(0, 0)


Note the final blank line in the docstring that delimits the doctest.

Similarly to source code testing, the doctests framework is implemented in file sympy/utilities/

Again there are several interfaces to the doctesting framework. The main interface (the most configurable and used by other interfaces) is the library interface sympy.doctest(*paths, **kwargs). There are also two script interfaces, that are sometimes more practical to use: bin/doctest and python test. All three interfaces act pretty much the same as the corresponding interfaces for the source code testing.

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