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Translators guide

deby edited this page Dec 10, 2021 · 23 revisions

How to join the team?

  1. Click here to join our discord server. Follow the instructions to join.
  2. The Discord mods will add you to the translators private channel(s) and welcome you (you may need to wait a little bit).
  3. Once you get your access, introduce yourself in #introductions. The Circles family will be very happy to have you on board ^_^
  4. Follow the instructions in the pinned message of the #translations channel. There are 2 teams you can join, and the pinned message will explain to you how to join each team.

Thank you so much for helping us with the translation of the website! Many people can't understand English very well, so by doing so, you're helping hundreds of people access the information we provide easily and comfortably. You're awesome ♥︎

Translations guide (after you join the team)

There are 2 teams of translators. Follow the right guides based on which team you joined.

General translations rules

  • If there are different levels of politeness in your language, consider you're talking to a friend.

  • ​You should translate the terms the same way you would talk to a friend in your language about the game. For instance, if you say "Smile" and "idolized" without translating, then you shouldn't translate the terms. If you translate "card" orally, then you should translate.

  • If your language uses gendered pronouns (or else, like numeral adjectives, etc.) and you need more context, just ask in the comments. In some cases, we can't tell the exact contest. For example, in the sentence "This {thing} is the best", the {thing} could get replaced with any noun. In that case, use a generic translation with multiple words, such as "She/He/They is/are the best!" or "That's him(her/them)!".

  • In some languages, though we use the same term when we say it out loud, it's different in writings because the alphabet is different (katakana in Japanese, different characters in Korean or Russian, etc). Use the writing version. If you're not sure about that, think about how you usually write it when you talk about the game with your friends in your language in text chats.

  • If your alphabet is different and you think the logo should be different, Contact us and we'll make a different logo.


POEditor guide

Congratulations, you just joined team Ⓐ Translations of all the websites' interfaces 🎉

We use a tool called POEditor. It's very easy to use!

  • If you have any question, feel free to ask the Discord channel #translations.

  • For the terms that can keep the original English term:

    • Rewrite the term in English. This way, you'll know which terms you still have to translate.
  • If you don't know where or in which context a term is used:

    • You can get more info about the context in the comments: poeditor comments
    • If there are no comments, you can ask questions in the comment section.
    • You can get an idea of the context by putting your mouse over the sentence. It will tell you the file in which the sentence is.
  • DO NOT use the comments section to suggest alternative translations or ask language-specific questions. These questions should be asked on the Discord channel. The team who answers the comments section does not speak your language, so any of these questions/suggestions will sadly be ignored.

Important technical requirements for POEditor

⚠️ Any of these mistakes might make the site UNUSABLE in your language. ⚠️

  • Be very careful with the special words such as %(length)s or %(counter)s. You have to write the same word between parentheses, and don't forget the % and s at the end. If it appears in the original sentence, it has to appear in your translated sentence.

  • When there are multiple tabs, fill the different tabs depending on the grammar that corresponds to that number. Make sure always include the same %(length)s (see previous statement).

  • DON'T add extra spaces or carriage return at the end or beginning of the sentences.

  • You should have the exact same number of {} in your translation than in the original sentence.

  • If you see a word between {} (example "Your {thing} has been reported."), make sure you write the exact same word between the {}. Example: この{thing}は報告されています。. It's not a word, it's a variable name and it will be replaced by another value.

    • ⚠️ If you write any other word between {}, the entire page will show an error in your language, making the website completely unusable!
  • Use the same punctuation (if there's no . at the end, don't add one, if there's one, don't forget it).

Website translations guide

Congratulations, you just joined team Ⓑ Translations of content in the database for a specific website 🎉

Unlike general translators, your job is to provide translations of the data that is present in our database.

⚠️ When you translate in a language, make sure you change the language of the website to the language you're translating to! You can use the "..." dropdown menu to change your language.

Example before / after translations of a Bandori member:

  1. In the navbar, you now have a button to access our translation tool:

    This tool shows you an overview of the status of the translations of the website in the language(s) you speak.

  2. Click on each button to access the list of items.

    You will notice some extra buttons:

  3. When you click on them, you will see a form that lets you fill in the missing translations!

    The text in red is the original sentence in English.

    ⚠️ If the text in red says "no value", it means it hasn't been translated in English yet, or simply doesn't have a value, so leave it empty.

  4. Done! The translations are applied right away and there is no manual update required on our side.



You might see the option to translate a name, which might seem weird. That's generally because some languages use different characters set, and that's why we need to provide the name in that language.

For example, all of these correspond to the name of a single character, which is pronounced the same way, but written differently depending on the language:

  • English + most latin languages: Kasumi Toyama
  • Japanese: 戸山 香澄
  • Chinese: 户山 香澄 (it looks similar to the Japanese name, but look at the first character closely!)
  • Korean: 토야마 카스미
  • Russian: Касуми Тояма
Long texts

For longer texts, it is allowed to translate more freely. For example, for the description of a character, you may copy it from another website which has proper descriptions per characters. If you do so, make sure you ask for permission first and end the description with a link to the source (when markdown is available - if not, ask the staff team).

Duplicator tool

If many terms have the same value and should have the same translation, you can use our duplicator tool.

For each term, there is a dropdown button with an option to use the "duplicator". It will then show you the terms that can be duplicated.

For example: 5 costumes were added to celebrate the collab Garupa x Miku. They all have the same name. Thanks to the duplicator, you can enter the name for only for one of them, and let the duplicator copy the name to all the other costumes with the same name!

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