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Staff: Homepage banners

deby edited this page Jun 17, 2022 · 2 revisions

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You can edit homepage banners from Staff configuration.


  • ⚠️ ALL fields per banner are required for a banner to show up on the homepage (Text, URL and Image)

  • If you image contains text, make sure "Hide text" is checked. If your banner is meant to be a background and you want what you wrote in "Text" to show up on top, make sure "Hide text" is unchecked.

  • To remove a banner from the homepage, unset any of the fields (usually "Text")

  • Homepage banners get refreshed every 24 hours, usually at midnight UTC.


  • Auto-added banners always show up after staff configuration banners.

  • Auto banners include:

    • Characters birthdays, one per character
    • Other characters birthdays (example: voice actresses), one per other character
    • Users who are celebrating their birthday today, sorted by popularity, all on one banner
    • Seasonal limited hashtags, one per hashtag
    • They may include more if developers set them up in the code.
  • Banners show up in the order of their number. For this reason, if you know a banner will likely always have a lower priority, you should use the highest number when setting it up.

  • The reason why "Text" is required even when it's not displayed is for SEO, so make sure you write something that makes sense and describes the banner.

  • Permission required to edit: Edit staff configurations.

  • You can add as many banners as you want! For that, just ask someone from the staff who has Advanced staff configurations permission to add new configurations. They need to follow the same format as the other settings, with a higher number.

    • ⚠️ Make sure there's no gap. You can't add settings for a banner #10 without having all the settings for banner #9 already added.

ℹ️ See also: Developers documentation

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