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Database maintainers guide

deby edited this page May 16, 2018 · 6 revisions

Database maintainer image

As a database maintainer, it is your job to help add all of the game's data to your site. Rather it be through the API or by manually inputting the data, you are tasked with providing your site with new game data ASAP!

However, to do this task, you must first know a few things.

When do I add game data to the site?

While there are always special exceptions, you usually add data to the site whenever you have access to it! Did the latest event banner just get posted? Go ahead and make a new event page for it! Did a dataminer just tell you all of the new song's note counts? Add them right away!

API Database Maintainers

How can I write to the API?

To write to the API, your account needs to have the Database Maintainer (API) role, and you need to have an auth token for that account. You will need to speak to your Team Manager for the role, and the System Administrator for the auth token.

To authenticate, POST to /o/token/ with the following parameters:

    "grant_type": "password",
    "username": ...,
    "password": ...,
    "client_id": ...,
    "client_secret": ...,

the username and password fields are the same as your account's, meanwhile the client_id and client_secret will be a string generated for you by a System Administrator. If successful, you will get a JSON object back, from which you should save the access_token field.

Then, send "Authorization: Bearer [YOUR ACCESS TOKEN]" as a HTTP header with subsequent requests.

Congratulations! You can now start adding and modifying items on the site via the API!

Examples and references

Each site is managed differently, requiring different things from their API Database Maintainers. Thus, we can't really go in depth about what things you are to post and manage specifically.

Down below is a table with more specific info on being an API database maintainer for each site. We highly suggest you at least check out the links relative to your own site, but feel free to look at what the other sites require from your job. These extra perspectives will hopefully aid you later on as you conduct your work.

Website Reference & Link

Manual Database Maintainer

How do I add game data to the site?

To add game data to the site as a manual database maintainer, you must first go to the data's respective page! Once there, you should see a button on the far left with a crown in the center, like this:

Staff View Button

Upon clicking this, all your staff functions should appear!

To add a whole new item to the database (new card, events, songs, etc.), use the buttons on the top that say "Add [Item]". Some items will have multiple add items, indicating that there are different types of that same item. Choose whichever type best suits the item to be taken to a form for the item.

Types example

Fill out the form with all of the info you have, and voila, the item will be added to the database!

If you need to update or add to an item's field instead, you can just click the "Edit [Item]" button below it! Alternatively, you can open the item's details, and click the "Edit [Item]" there instead.

Edit Button Example 1 Edit Button Example 2

A form with all the item's current data will pop up, and you should be able to quickly add the necessary data from that form. When done, click the "Edit [Item]" button at the bottom of the form to save your changes, and voila, the info will be added to the item!

Cinderella Producers guide to add cards

Old Guide (Since this is still a WIP)

✅ Keep the database updated

You will see buttons and forms to add and edit items in the database (songs, cards, idols, etc).

  • When you're logged in as a staff members and you browse the site, you'll notice some extra buttons on the cards, events, users, etc.
  • These buttons allow you to edit the existing database and add new entries in the database.
  • It's your responsibility to keep the database updated!

✅ When a new event / new card / new song comes out:

  • Add it to the database as soon as possible
  • Tweet about it see Tweets guidelines
  • The sooner you tweet about it the better. Most of our new visitors, and therefore the growth of our website, come from announcement tweets!
  • [Optional] Post about it on other social media: Sub-reddit, Facebook group, etc.
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