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Community entertainers guide

deby edited this page Dec 4, 2022 · 18 revisions

[Community Entertainer]

We keep the community active and happy by organizing fun stuff: contests, giveaways, games, etc. We're open to feedback and ideas!

✅ Organize giveaways

Giveaways always give lots of exposure for the media/franchise as well as our site. If you have something you can offer as a giveaway item (digital art, custom commissions, physical merchandise, and more). When thinking of doing a giveaway, decide these factors:

  • How will I allow people to enter?
  • What am I looking for in an entry?
  • Is this prize equal for the effort?
  • How will I document entries & ensure their validity?

Ultimately, how the contest is run is up to you since you are the organizer. The general logistics of running a giveaway should be that the giveaway needs to be fair and unbiased.

✅ Organize Special Campaigns

A few times a year, there are special campaigns we run to celebrate an event, birthday, holiday, or season. They can be different types of formats and should inspire creativity and have longer deadlines.

✅ Organize massive community contests and tournaments

  • Mini Chefs World Cup
  • Battle of the Bands
  • Sukutomo Secret Santa

Organizing an event, from A to Z

ℹ️ Before organizing any event, please make sure you fully read our Giveaways FAQ. If you're organizing, you need to know the rules ;)

Before the event

  1. Pick a name for the event.

  2. Decide on which platform you want to allow participants to join. We always recommend to allow participants to join directly on the website, which helps promote the social network aspect of our sites. Common platforms are:

    • The site (with a hashtag)
    • Twitter (with a hashtag)
    • Instagram posts (with a hashtag, note that we can't track stories)
    • TikTok (with a hashtag)
    • Discord (with a channel)
    • Google Form (not recommended because it doesn't help promote our sites in any way, which defeats the point of organizing events!)
  3. Create graphic images (or ask our design team and artists) to promote the event:

    • 1 main image, square recommended as it fits Twitter and Instagram better
    • 1 banner for the site's homepage (840x280)
    • 1 badge image (please use this guide:
    • Teaser image(s) (optional) (example 1, example 2)
    • "Reminders" image(s) (optional) (example)
    • 1 "Winners announced!" image (optional)
    • ℹ️ We don't recommend to put dates on graphics to avoid the hassle of having to update the graphics if the dates change.
  4. Decide how many winners you would like to have, and how they should win:

    • We recommend to always have at least 1 winner picked randomly
    • You can have categories and winning titles. Examples: Petite Idol Studio Winter Adventures, The School Idol Café: Home for the Holidays
    • Recommended for yearly events (birthdays for ex):
      • 1 random winner who will win a digital prize of their choice (commissioned edit or commissioned art)
    • Recommended for bigger events:
      • 1 winner picked by our judges panel will win a physical prize of their choice
      • 1 winner picked randomly will win a digital prize of their choice (commissioned edit or commissioned art) (can't be the previous winner)
      • 1 winner with the most likes will win a commissioned edit of their choice (can't be any of the previous 2)
  5. Decide on Stretch Goals:

    • We recommend to at least have 1 stretch goal per event and up to 3
    • Recommended for yearly events (birthdays for ex):
      • If we reach 15 entries or more: 1 winner with the most likes will win a commissioned edit of their choice
      • If we reach 30 entries or more, 1 winner picked by our judges panel will win a physical prize of their choice
    • Recommended for bigger events:
      • 1 more winner per category, 1 more winner per tier for ex
  6. Write the rules. You can re-use older event rules:

  7. Create the badge that winners will get at the end of the event: Link to add badge

    • Add it to yourself (as "Username").
    • The name of the badge must end with " - Participant"
    • Example: "Doki Doki Palette - Participant"
    • Example of description: "Thank you for joining Doki Doki Palette 2021 🎨🎉"
    • Make sure you leave the URL and rank empty.
      • Please note that Sukutomo does not support badges.
  8. Ask for a Developer to add a hashtag to the site.

    Your hashtag will have 2 versions, 1 for the website and 1 for all other platforms:

    • All websites except Sukutomo:
      • Can contain spaces? ✅
      • Can contain emojis? ✅
      • Example: Doki Doki Palette 2022 🎨
    • Sukutomo, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok:
      • Can contain spaces? ❌
      • Can contain emojis? ❌
      • Example: #DokiDokiPalette2022

    Once you decided what's your hashtag with the 2 versions, please message developers on Discord and give them the following details (message template):

    Hello @db0#9705!
    We're organizing an event. Can you add a hashtag to the website for us?
    - Website hashtag: `Doki Doki Palette 2022 🎨`
    - Platforms hashtag: `#DokiDokiPalette2022`
    - Start date (UTC): December 1st 2022, 7PM UTC
    - End date (UTC): December 23rd, 2022, 7PM UTC
    Thank you!
    • ℹ️ Please note that Sukutomo does not support custom hashtags. You'll need to ask participants to simply "write" the hashtag somewhere in their entries, and you don't need to ask the developers to add tags.
  9. (Optional) Post a teaser before the event starts!

  10. (Optional) Talk to our partners or other communities about the game that could be interested in either promoting the event or co-organizing.

  11. Create the event post: Link to create the event post

    • The image must be the main graphic (usually square)
    • Hashtags must at least contain: the hashtag for the event, "News" and "Community"
  12. Add a banner to the homepage to promote the event: Link to configure banners

During the event

  1. Promote your event on Twitter, Instagram, Discord, and any other partner platforms or agreed co-organizers platforms.

    • Throughout the event, make sure to keep posting on social media about the event to get more participants! -(Optional) Showcase some entries on social media throughout the event to motivate other participants to join!
    • 2-3 days before the end of the event, post on social media to warn people that they don't have a lot of time left to participate.
  2. If participants are allowed to participate on other platforms that the website, such as Twitter, TikTok or Discord:

    • Create a Google Documents Spreadsheet with the following columns:
      • Platform: Name of the platform on which the entry is posted (ex: Twitter) - required
      • URL: The URL of the entry - required
      • Image: URL to an image from the entry
      • For each platform on which participants can join, including the site:
        • {platform} username
        • {platform} profile URL
      • For example, if participants can join on Idol Story, Twitter and TikTok, the spreadsheet will have the following columns:
        • Platform, URL, Image, idolstory username, idolstory profile URL, twitter username, twitter profile URL, tiktok username, tiktok profile URL
        • For the website, the platform name needs to match the "shortname" you can find here. Example: Idol Story is "idolstory", Bandori Party is "bang".
      • Fill the spreadsheet as new entries come in.
      • Try to fill up as many columns as you can, including usernames and profile URLs on other platforms than the one it was posted on.

After the event

  1. When the event ends, you'll need to to do a bunch of things. We have automation tools that can help! Keep reading.

    1. Generate a winners post & Distribute badges

      • Ask a system administrator to generate the winning post. Make sure to tell them your preferences from the following options:
        • The event's name
        • The hashtag of the event
        • If participants were allowed to participate on other platforms, the spreadsheet with all the entries
        • If a participant posts multiple participations, should it increase their chances to win? Default: 1 chance per person, not per participation
        • How many winners should be picked randomly?
        • How many winners should be picked by our judges panel? What are the criteria?
        • How many winners should be picked based on their likes?
        • Were stretch goals reached? Which ones?
        • Are there physical prizes offered to winners? + A picture of the physical prizes (see Prizes photos)
        • The URL to the participant badge you created

      Template message:

      Hello @db0#9705!
      Our event just ended, can you please generate the winning post for us?
      - Event name: `Doki Doki Palette 2022`
      - Event announcement post:
      - Hashtag: `#DokiDokiPalette2022`
      - Platforms: Website, Twitter
      - Participants spreadsheet:
      - Badge:
      - Winners:
        - 2 winners picked randomly (1 chance per person, not per participation)
        - 1 winner picked by our judges panel (criteria: The art needs to be Valentine's day themed)
        - 1 winner based on likes
      - Stretch goals reached:
        - 30+ participants
      - Prizes:
        - There will be physical prizes, picture:
      Thank you!
      • They'll send you a generated post in Markdown. Post it to the site: Link with:

        • Image should be the banner that was used for the homepage, or a "Winners announced!" image made specifically for this
        • Text should be the generated post. Feel free to write a conclusion speech right after the event name!
        • Hashtags: News, Community
      • For Sukutomo: birthday giveaway winners activity generator

    2. Post the winning post on social media

      • People who followed the event on social media will be eager to see who won, so don't forget to post the link to the closure post on social media!
    3. Message participants to thank them for joining and ask them to fill our feedback form + Message winners to ask them to fill our winning form

      • After was posted, please message the system administrator with the URL to the post you just created.
      • They will message all the participants and winners automatically for you. You don't need to do anything else.
    4. After participants filled the form, assign prizes

      • See "Prizes Assignment" section below

Prize assignment

The winners will fill a form to indicate their preference for the prize.

  1. Once in a while, check if new prizes need to be assigned:

    • for Idol Story: Link
    • for Sukutomo: Link
    • for Bandori Party: Link
  2. Post the generated messages on Discord and pin them right away.

  3. Open the prize assignment spreadsheet:

    • for Idol Story: Link
    • for Sukutomo: Link
    • for Bandori Party: Link
  4. Update the spreadsheet:

    • Find the row for the right event (Example: "Kotori's Birthday Party 2021")
    • Update the column "By" to write "asked"
  5. Artists and designers will offer to make the prize.

    • Confirm with them that you're assigning them
    • Edit the Discord message to enter the username and due date
  6. Once in a while, check the pinned messages to see which prize(s) are being made.

    • If an artist/designer is late to deliver a prize:
      1. Message them in private or mention them in the channel to ask about the prize.
      2. If they need more time, update the message with the new date
      3. If they don't answer or answer that they don't want to do it anymore, do the same thing as below:
    • If a prize still doesn't have an assignee or the assignee changed their mind:
      1. Open the spreadsheet
      2. Remove the "asked" in the "By" column
      3. Wait a few minutes
      4. Reload the page in step 1 to get the assignment message again
      5. Post it and pin it again, then write "asked" in the spreadsheet again.
  7. When an artist/designer sends you a prize:

    1. Say thank you ❤️
    2. Edit the Discord message to add a link to the finished prize
    3. Unpin the message
    4. Go to #art_links channel and look for the artist/designer's credit post (in search type from:{discord_username} in:#art_links)
    5. Send a private message to the winner with:
      • the link to their prize
      • the links that the artists asked to share (from their credit post in #art_links)
      • encourage them to share it
      • Example
    6. Go to the spreadsheet (links in 3rd step):
      • Edit the column "By" with the name of the artist on discord
      • Edit the column "Shipped" or "Received" with the URL to prize
  8. If a winner shares their prize on the site, on social media or on Discord, or messages you back with something nice to say about the prize:

    • Go to the spreadsheet (links in 3rd step) and update the column "Shared" with the URL of the tweet, post, screenshot etc where they shared it
    • Mention the artist/designer in the #art_{site} channel and share the same URL to them. It will make them very happy 😊

Prizes photos

Love Live! (Idol Story + Sukutomo)
  • Physical prizes, newer image 2021

  • Physical prizes (GIF), hella slow

  • All prizes (physical + digital)

  • Digital prizes (art + edits)

  • Physical prizes, older image

  • Physical + digital prizes (art only), older image

BanG Dream! (Bandori Party)
  • Physical prizes

  • Digital prizes (art + edits)

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