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Scoring Design

Rogiervanarkel edited this page Dec 19, 2014 · 11 revisions

#Score mechanism LRG-beta

There are 4 scoring fields: PT : Problem timer - refers to the fact that there is a disturbance
DT : Delay timer - refers to schedules not met
IC : Impact counter - refers to the scale of the issues
Score : Points are granted or subtracted when the player takes actions

PT/DT Timer balance: The timers do not show real clock time. The delay timer is running twice as slow.

#Influencing the scoring fields

PT timer start: From the 5th incident / blockage that is on the screen the PT timer will be running.

DT timer start: Whenever one or more stations are not visited the timer ascends. (fact 0,5 from real time)

IC counts:
For every station where the tram is late +/+1
For every tram that stops not due to the schedule or the traffic lights +/+ 100
For every tram hand started -/- 50
Reroute tram +/+ 34

wrong decision cost -/- 100.000 points
swift decision < 10 sec +/+ 1000 point, > 10 sec -/- 1000 points
Incident / blockage resolved +/+ 10

The design is sent by email to all group members.



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Beta Version Requirements

[To do list before Christmas](To-do List before Christmas)

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