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Test Plan Beta version

p-kolodziejczyk edited this page Dec 19, 2014 · 2 revisions

Now that the beta version is ready, multiple features need to be tested. This document is to provide a rigorous and quantifiable approach towards this testing, so that as much user feedback can be gained as possible.

For each test around 15 minutes should be needed, including play and detailed questions. 10 minutes is to be spent for play and initial impressions and another 5 for follow-up questions.

Game test by 4 students, not previously involved. Main perspective is to get feedback on bugs and how intuitive the game is Extra attention is asked for the engagement \ fun level.

Game test by Macomi: Next to the goals for the student test we need to see if the agreed requirements are addressed in the game. Furthermore we like to get specific feedback on rerouteing, the scoring system and collision handling.

Game test by HTM From the HTM managers we like to get feedback on how intuitive the game is, if it reflects reality in some degree and if they feel the game is building up to a tool for training support.

General features to test

  • Interface
  • Button layout
  • Appropriateness of texts/messages
  • Game crashing
  • Playability
  • Relation to reality
  • Engagement / Fun

Specific features to test:

  • Starting and ending the game
  • Pausing and continuing the game
  • Menu's overlapping
  • Smooth run without player actions
  • Can any tram be stopped and restarted again
  • Can rerouteing be easily done

Extra questions

  • Does the game works well
  • Are there any bugs, freezes, crashes
  • Is interface understandable/logical, layout appropriate
  • Do you understand what is happening when the game is running?
  • Is the game engaging, do you understand how score is given
  • Do you understand messages/buttons
  • Do you like the visual aspects, do you think they are consistent
  • Do you know how to act and what needs attention
  • Can you anticipate the consequences of your actions
  • Are in-game consequences understandable/plausible
  • Any other shortcomings?



Game Name

Beta Version Requirements

[To do list before Christmas](To-do List before Christmas)

Design Documents




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