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Rogiervanarkel edited this page Dec 11, 2014 · 1 revision

Rogier van Arkel - lightrailgame - Concept 1

Game goals base goal : reality - let it represent the reality fun goal : Let absurd situations be manageable. In between goal : make controllers use the best solution available The ultimate goal is to stimulate the controllers to think off new solutions.

Characteristics The game should addictive training real life competences have a way to measure the solution think out off the box stimulating the realistic paper based scenario’s must fit in.

Using modes

Training device: The game must be able to be used as a simulator and the outcome must be realistic to the paper based scenario’s.

Braining device: New scenario’s must be able to be added and compared with existing scenarios

Gaming device: Controllers must be able to set up their own obstructions which can be played by all the others. (blowing up trains?)

Game Parameters Single mode ; just try for yourself Multi mode : Controllers must be able to help each other in order to improve the overall performance off the net.

Performance measures: Yellow: additional travel time Blue:deviations from vehicle schedules ??? Red : scale of impact - how many lines black : Recovery time --- downtime / exposure

green playing field, from the 4 sides the impact of a measuring color up the screen in a triangle form. When the problem is solved the % off green represents the success for this solution.

What makes a game a game being part off a community Choosing a specific role \ specialty Trying doing things that are not possible in reality. (blowing up a train) It should tingle your emotions, not only the fun factor.

specialization: customer care, repairs, rerouting, impact\ public relations. Technics Multi platform : Initially we need to prove the concept. This can be done on one operating system. Multi room: For playing mode and later when the system is fully prepared to solve realtime issues on base of simulation.

Primary concerns: Screen : it is typically an environment that needs big display space. Later on we can see how the game is to be cut up in different tasks which can be played on little screens,. (think of the specialist role “travelers convenience”) Operating system: Multi operating system is interesting when played as a game. Not when used as a training / simulation Machines : At first it it likely to presume that we need brute force to make the game perform. Later on we can tweak and involve smaller systems like. Maybe even text based phones for African people who use our old telephones

Touch devices : nice to have but only if it improves the feel.



Game Name

Beta Version Requirements

[To do list before Christmas](To-do List before Christmas)

Design Documents




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