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concept answer 2014 11 21

Rogiervanarkel edited this page Nov 21, 2014 · 4 revisions
  1. Tram incidents: They are common inconveniences that occur in a particular tram only. It is to add variety to the game so that there is something nwxt to blockages. They might affect the situation outside of this particular tram if no swift action is taken and depending on the type of the incident.

  2. Difficulty: The point you are making could probably be done with scenario's but that is not what we intend to implement in the DEMO because it would require detailed information from the HTM controller room and a lot of work in terms of design and testing. We are also concerned, that one person having completed all the scenarios would stop playing, having achieved everything. That's why we intend to stick to random occurrences in a free-play mode.

  3. Gameplay: We introduced the timer to indicate how long it will take a to get rid of an issue, so that the player could plan the rerouteing. Your suggestion however fits nicely into our discussion how to build up the score and will probably come in very handy, next to the descending blockage timer.

  4. Travellers: Like you stated in the introduction we also think the introduction of travellers would create more alignment but we were misunderstood. Unfortunately, we are not planning to simulate travellers. Yet, we like to add some score to indicate travellers utility. We hope to be able to include a kpi on station delay (or missing a station due to route change) which then could be understood as indicator for travellers inconvenience.

  5. Future work: Good to hear that you agree on our interpretation that the communication is a mayor issue. We have great expectations for the possibilities and currently discussing what can be done with this item.



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