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User Documentation

Mustafain Ali Khan edited this page Dec 4, 2019 · 45 revisions

This is documentation to guide potential users of our tutoring system to get started for both the android and web frontends.

Android Frontend

The android frontend contains only a subset of the features of our system, providing users with the ability to register, login, manage current sessions and book new sessions.

Login prompt

Upon opening the application, there is a prompt to put in login credentials to enter the application.If the username and password do not match, an error will indicate a failure to LOGIN.


If it's the initial visit, click on REGISTER to create a new student account.

Register with credentials

Enter name, username, email, and password in the Name, Username, Email, and Password must be at least 8 characters long prompts respectively. Retype the password in the Confirm Password prompt. After filling everything, click on Register. If there are any errors upon registration, an error will be shown above.

Logging in

Enter both username and password in the respective textbox and press the login button to enter the app into the dashboard page.

Dashboard to view sessions' details

This page is the dashboard which will serve as the main page. Three buttons are presented, MANAGE SESSIONS, BOOK SESSION, and LOGOUT. Click on MANAGE SESSIONS to view their current sessions' details.

Choose session to view its details

Upon the refreshing of the new page, choose which session to view by clicking on the first dropdown under Select a Session. Pick the one for which a more detailed description is wanted among the whole list of current sessions.

Session details

By clicking the session in question, the rest of the page will automatically refresh to show the details of the session: the date, the start time, the end time, the tutor, the course, the room, and if the session was confirmed by the tutor or not. Click on the first dropdown again to pick another session. To leave the page, click on the back button.

Dashboard to book a session

Click on BOOK SESSION to request a new session.

Choose university to book session

First, click on the dropdown for Select University to choose the university at which the course in which tutoring is wanted.

Choose course to book session

Second, click on the dropdown for Select Course to choose the course in which tutoring is wanted.

Choose tutor to book session

Third, click on the dropdown for Select Tutor to choose the tutor wanted among all the tutors for the specific course.

Choose date for the session

Fourth, click on Select Date with the 01-02-2020 prompt to choose an adequate date for the session

Choose right date using the calendar prompt

On the calendar prompt, click on the appropriate date for the session. If needed, use the arrows around the month to navigate through the months. Click OK to submit the date.

Choose start and end time for session

Fifth, click on Select Time to choose the right time for the start and end time for the session.

Choose right time using the time prompt

On the hour prompt, click on the right hour, then the right minutes to select the appropriate time. If needed, click on AM and PM to switch between morning and afternoon. Click on the keyboard button to manually use the keyboard to enter the time if needed.

Book session

Sixth, click on BOOK SESSION to finalize the booking and it will redirect to the dashboard, if the user goes to the manage sessions screen and selects the newly created session, they can see the session details.

View booked session

After booking a session, the page will show all the details of the just booked session: the date, the start time, the end time, the tutor, the course, the room 13, and whether or not the tutor has confirmed the session yet.

Web Frontend

The web frontend provides users with all the features of our application. These include registering an account, logging in, managing current sessions, booking new sessions, viewing tutor profile, reviewing tutors and cancelling pending sessions.

Login & Register Page

This is the landing page of our web app and a user has the option to login with an existing account using their username and password or register a new account by providing their credentials.


On logging in, the user is redirected to the dashboard page from where they can go to the manage sessions page, book sessions page, write reviews page and can logout.

Book Session Page

The book sessions page provides the user with the functionality to book a new session. The users first have to select their university, then the course, after which the tutor list is updated with the tutors for the selected course. The user can choose to view the tutor profile for the tutor or directly go on to book a session by providing the session date and times. On booking a session, the user is redirected to the manage sessions page where they can see the newly booked session.

Manage Sessions Page

The manage sessions page displays the details such as the date and room number of the current sessions of the user. It also provides the user with the option to cancel a pending session by providing the session id.

Tutor Profile Page

The tutor profile page displays details about the tutor such as hourly rate and ratings.

Write Tutor Review Page

The reviews page has a list of tutors which the user can choose to review after their session, by providing a rating and comments for the tutor.

Update Account Credentials

The update account page allows users to change their credentials.