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Meeting Minutes

Mustafain Ali Khan edited this page Dec 4, 2019 · 21 revisions

Meeting 1: Tues, Sept 24 Minutes

Goals of this meeting:

  • Figure requirements (by considering viewpoint: student)
  • Separate tasks

Issues to add:

  • Requirements, Actors and Use cases
  • Domain model
  • Database design
  • Test cases for persistence layer

Requirements (not formal):

  1. Student must be able to log in.
  2. Student must be able to search by course number.
  3. Student must be able to choose different tutor.
    • Student must be able to check the tutor’s reviews.
  4. Student must be able to read reviews left for them.
  5. Student must be able to book a session with a tutor or group session.
    • Student cannot book for a timeslot for a tutor if they are already booked.
  6. System shall be able to notify the tutor for a tutoring request and give them an option to accept or decline.
  7. Student must be able to cancel their booking
  8. Student must be able to view their previous, current, and pending bookings.
  9. Student must be able to anonymously leave reviews for tutors.
  10. System must randomly assign a room to an individual tutoring session.
  11. Student must be able to view the full fee of the session prior to it
  12. System shall notify the manager in case of group session requests
  13. Student must be able to see which group sessions are available.
  14. Student must be able to email the company to request them to add a course.
  15. System shall be available on multiple platforms. (????)

Task separation:

  • Paul: Database
  • Zheng: Database
  • Erdong: Domain Model
  • Talha: Testing of persistence
  • Mustafain: Testing of persistence


  • Vote for the top 5 most important requirements
  • Add formal requirements into the issues
  • Distribute Requirements among ourselves

Meeting 2: Fri, Oct 6 Minutes

Goals of this meeting:

  • Discuss domain model
  • Discuss Use Case diagram


We discussed the domain model diagram that Erdong came up with. We discussed whether the Student and Tutor classes should both be associated with a Review class(e.g TutorReview for Tutor and StudentReview for Student). It was decided that we don't need separate review classes for both, and that a single Review class associated with the User class would suffice.

TODOs before next meeting:

  • Start working on use case diagrams individually
  • Finalize domain model and figure out code generation using UML Lab (Erdong)
  • Start with database design (Paul and Zheng)
  • Start designing test suite for Persistence Layer(Mustafain and Talha)

Meeting 3: Wed, Oct 9 Minutes

Goals of this meeting:

  • Finalize Domain Model
  • Detailed specification for the Use Case


  • We finalized the domain model after discussing some last changes to it
  • We added a generalization for the room and tutor availability classes. We also added a separate University class that has an aggregation relationship with the Course class
  • We decided what the detailed specification should include.
  • Successfully deployed the Spring Boot backend and Heroku app.


  • Generate code from UML lab
  • Start Persistence layer design and Testing
  • Figure out issue with TravisCI

Meeting 4: Wed, Oct 23 Minutes

Goals of this meeting:

  • Determine what needs to be done for Deliverable 2
  • Discuss current issues with Deliverable 1


  • Removal of Tutoring System class
  • Removal of schoolName attribute of Student
  • Distribution of use cases that need to be implemented as business methods


  • Fix JUnit testing for Deliverable 1
  • Fix the 404 error for the RESTful services
  • Add issues to GitHub

Meeting 5: Wed, Oct 30 Minutes

Goals of this meeting:

  • Discussion of Software Quality Assurance Plan
  • Review RestController Methods


  • Plan for Testing and Quality Assurance finalized.
  • Changes made to RestController
  • Updated Wiki


  • Conduct and complete Mock Tests
  • Finalize RestController

Meeting 6: Wed, Nov 13 Minutes

Goals of this meeting:

  • discuss problems with the current version
  • decide on the pages of the web frontend
  • distribute the tasks according to pages
  • decide on general layout of each page


  • Service methods should have one restful api method at least for example get tutor
  • Error handling is happening at three different places: there's a lack of consistency if the try-catch should be in restful, service, or vue.js
  • Error displayed on webpage isn't the one thrown


  1. Login Page: Paul
    • Option to register
    • Add Logout in header
  2. Home Page: Zheng
    • Search button
  3. Registratrion Page: Paul
  4. View Review Page: Talha
  5. Add Review Page: Mustafain
  6. View Sessions Page: Talha
  7. Search Page: Mustafain
    • Check for type of search
  8. Search Results Page: Erdong
    • Displays the tutors under each search result
  9. List of Tutors for Searched Course Page: Erdong
  10. Tutor Profile Page: Zheng
  • Reviews
  • Hourly Rate
  • Name
  • List of all courses where you can click to book session and redirects to view sessions
  1. About Page: Mustafain
  2. Contact Page: Mustafain
  • Header
  • Sidebar

Meeting 7: Fri, Nov 29 Minutes

Goals of this meeting:

  • Distribute work for Sprint 4
  • Assign tasks for the deliverable


  • Assigned work for sprint 4.
  • Work distribution:
    1. Paul Hooley: Login Screen
    2. Zheng Yu Cui: Register Screen
    3. Talha Riaz: Manage Sessions Screen
    4. Mustafain Ali Khan: Dashboard & Book Sessions Screen
    5. Erdong Luo: Backend code cleanup and documentation


  • Complete assigned tasts

Meeting 8: Tue, Dec 3 Minutes

Goals of this meeting:

  • Complete remaining view pages
  • Integrate individual work into single working application


  • Functional application produced


  • Finalize remaining material (User Documentation and Code commenting)
  • Push remaining changes