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Project Report (Sprint 4)

Talha edited this page Dec 7, 2019 · 23 revisions

This project report briefs on the tasks completed for this sprint (Sprint 4). Details of each task can be found in their separate section, accessible through the links below.

  1. User Documentation: Find all documentation to guide potential users of our tutoring system to get started.

  2. Instructions to run application:

  • Clone the project repository
  • Checkout to branch android
  • Import Existing Android Project in Android Studio
  • Open only the TutoringSystem-Android directory as an existing android project in Android Studio.
    • Note: Do not include TutoringSystem-Backend folder.
  • Build project and run.
    • run `./gradlew clean` if build fails initially
    • Note that we used PIXEL XL API 28 Emulator to test our application functionality.
  • You can login with username: mustafain and password: 12345678 to test that previously added sessions persist.
    • Note: Our database only has courses and tutors for McGill only as this was done using Advanced REST client and was not part of Student viewpoint.
  • Or you can register a new user and login with that user.
  1. Meeting Minutes: Find all the key discussion and decisions made during the meeting of Group 16. In particular, the meeting minutes outline the meeting goals, meeting outcomes and TODOs.