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Project Report (Sprint 2)

Talha edited this page Nov 1, 2019 · 5 revisions

This project report briefs on the tasks completed for this sprint (Sprint 2). Details of each task can be found in their separate section, accessible through the links below.

  1. Restful Services Endpoints: This details the Endpoints for all the RESTful Controller methods.

  2. Restful Services Tests: Added screenshots of the tests conducted for the RESTful services via the Rest Client.

  3. Software Quality Assurance Plan: Approach and plan outlined for maintaining the quality of the system.

  4. Software Quality Assurance Report: Overview of the test conducted and test coverage.

  5. Integration Testing: Expectations for integration with other teams' viewpoints.

  6. Meeting Minutes: Find all the key discussion and decisions made during the meeting of Group 16. In particular, the meeting minutes outline the meeting goals, meeting outcomes and TODOs.