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Integration Plan for Backend Services Documentation

Talha edited this page Nov 1, 2019 · 2 revisions

Query Methods Required (from other view-points)

For the integration process to be simpler and efficient, ideally the different viewpoints should follow the same domain model and Data Transfer Objects (DTOs).

  1. Receive all universities from the Manager Viewpoint (MV)
  2. Receive all courses from the MV
  3. Receive post mapping for tutor registration from Tutor Viewpoint (TV)
  4. Receive all tutors from the TV
  5. Receive Tutor availabilities for each tutor from the TV
  6. Receive tutor profile from TV
  7. Receive tutor confirmation indicating whether the tutor has accepted the session from the TV

The API interface that we would need to use from other view-points are:

Login for tutor

public TutorDto loginTutor(String username, String password);

Register tutor

public TutorDto registerTutor(String username, String password, Integer rate);

Approved request course from Manager

public Course approveCourse(String CourseCode);

Get tutor availabilities

public <Set>TutorAvailability getTutorAvailability(String tutorUsername);

Remove student from the system

public void removeStudent (String username);

Remove Tutor from the system

public void fireTutor (String username);