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Steve Halliwell edited this page Oct 20, 2019 · 1 revision

LeanTween commands


Moves a game object to a specified position over time. The position can be defined by a transform in another object (using To Transform) or by setting an absolute position (using To Position, if To Transform is set to None).

Defined in Fungus.MoveLean

Property Type Description
_to Transform Fungus.TransformData Target transform that the GameObject will move to
_to Position Fungus.Vector3Data Target world position that the GameObject will move to, if no From Transform is set
Is Local System.Boolean Whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.
_target Object Fungus.GameObjectData Target game object to apply the Tween to
_duration Fungus.FloatData The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_to From Fungus.BaseLeanTweenCommand+ToFrom Does the tween act from current TO destination or is it reversed and act FROM destination to its current
_abs Add Fungus.BaseLeanTweenCommand+AbsAdd Does the tween use the value as a target or as a delta to be added to current.
Ease Type LeanTweenType The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type LeanTweenType The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Repeats System.Int32 Number of times to repeat the tween, -1 is infinite.
Stop Previous Tweens System.Boolean Stop any previously LeanTweens on this object before adding this one. Warning; expensive.
Wait Until Finished System.Boolean Wait until the tween has finished before executing the next command


Rotates a game object to the specified angles over time.

Defined in Fungus.RotateLean

Property Type Description
_to Transform Fungus.TransformData Target transform that the GameObject will rotate to
_to Rotation Fungus.Vector3Data Target rotation that the GameObject will rotate to, if no To Transform is set
Is Local System.Boolean Whether to animate in world space or relative to the parent. False by default.
Rotate Mode Fungus.RotateLean+RotateMode Whether to use the provided Transform or Vector as a target to look at rather than a euler to match.
_target Object Fungus.GameObjectData Target game object to apply the Tween to
_duration Fungus.FloatData The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_to From Fungus.BaseLeanTweenCommand+ToFrom Does the tween act from current TO destination or is it reversed and act FROM destination to its current
_abs Add Fungus.BaseLeanTweenCommand+AbsAdd Does the tween use the value as a target or as a delta to be added to current.
Ease Type LeanTweenType The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type LeanTweenType The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Repeats System.Int32 Number of times to repeat the tween, -1 is infinite.
Stop Previous Tweens System.Boolean Stop any previously LeanTweens on this object before adding this one. Warning; expensive.
Wait Until Finished System.Boolean Wait until the tween has finished before executing the next command


Changes a game object's scale to a specified value over time.

Defined in Fungus.ScaleLean

Property Type Description
_to Transform Fungus.TransformData Target transform that the GameObject will scale to
_to Scale Fungus.Vector3Data Target scale that the GameObject will scale to, if no To Transform is set
_target Object Fungus.GameObjectData Target game object to apply the Tween to
_duration Fungus.FloatData The time in seconds the animation will take to complete
_to From Fungus.BaseLeanTweenCommand+ToFrom Does the tween act from current TO destination or is it reversed and act FROM destination to its current
_abs Add Fungus.BaseLeanTweenCommand+AbsAdd Does the tween use the value as a target or as a delta to be added to current.
Ease Type LeanTweenType The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
Loop Type LeanTweenType The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
Repeats System.Int32 Number of times to repeat the tween, -1 is infinite.
Stop Previous Tweens System.Boolean Stop any previously LeanTweens on this object before adding this one. Warning; expensive.
Wait Until Finished System.Boolean Wait until the tween has finished before executing the next command


Stops the LeanTweens on a target GameObject

Defined in Fungus.StopTweensLean

Property Type Description
_target Object Fungus.GameObjectData Target game object stop LeanTweens on

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