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William Kluge edited this page Oct 27, 2019 · 2 revisions

For sga_site, use that repository's documentation

1. Install XAMPP or MAMP or something like it

NOTE: Make sure the local Apache server and MySql db are running properly before you start.

You can also install Valet and you don't have to tip!

Valet is a service provided by Laravel that automatically starts a local server on your machine every time you boot up. Valet adds Laravel project folders as localhost domains. For example, for this project, typing into Chrome will automatically map to the code on your machine. It even automatically reflects the current git branch you're on.

2. Install Composer

Get it here.

Then run this command: mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer.

Composer is a PHP package manager. Other people write useful code, such as Laravel. Composer is a command-line application that allows people to "package" useful code they've written and make it available for others to download and use in their projects. Laravel uses lots of packages people have written under the hood. Composer manages all the different versions of all those packages for us, so we don't have to manually download everything.

Get the code

Clone the repo

If you're unfamiliar with git, please watch this video to git up to speed.

4. Install Composer Dependencies

You're going to need to add the vendor folder. This folder contains all the packages that composer manages for us. You can download them using

  • composer update

5. Import the Database

You can get it in /database/sga_hub.sql. If you're using phpmyadmin click on import at the top and select that

  • Copy the .env.example file contents.
  • Create a new file called .env and paste the contents in there.
  • The .env file is what laravel uses to connect to the local host database.
  • Make sure DB_DATABASE=sga_hub. This is the database Laravel is connecting to and using.
  • Make sure DB_USERNAME=root. root is the default user for most databases.
  • Make sure DB_PASSWORD=, as in no password. Don't worry, this is all local. As long as it's on your private machine that no one else uses, it's okay.

Note: This newly created .env file is not tracked by git. This is by design. Each developer has his/her own development environment. Laravel factors out all those differences into this one .env file, which is all each developer has to maintain. The .env for production is going to have different property values than the one on your local machine.

6. Done

If you're using Valet, go to on Chrome. Voila, the website should appear.

If you're not using Valet, run php artisan serve in the command line, then enter into Chrome. Voila, the website should appear.

Note: You may need to also run: php artisan key:generate, which generates an APP_KEY in the .env file from the previous step.

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