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Tom Magnusson edited this page Apr 10, 2018 · 4 revisions

Managing Clubs

Creating a club

To create a club, go to the “Admin Panel” section of the sidebar, go to the “Manage Clubs” page, and then click on “Create a Club”. You’ll need the club's:

  • name
  • ID (get from CFO, it's a bank account code)
  • council to which they belong (get from VP of Club Affairs)

Modifying or deleting a club

Modifying or deleting a club requires direct access to the database. Log into phpMyAdmin, and go to the clubs table of the database and edit or delete the row corresponding to the club.

Managing officers

Adding an officer

To add a officer, go to the “Admin Panel” section of the sidebar and click on “Manually Add Officer”. You’ll need the CWID, position, and club name of the officer.

Modifying or deleting an officer

Modifying or deleting an officer is a little trickier. You’ll need to add yourself as an officer of the club in question (through the same process is shown above) and switch to that club. Then, go to “Officer Panel” and click on “Officer Roster”. To change the position of an officer, click on their position in the row. To delete an officer, click on the red X.

Managing events

There generally isn’t much you’ll need to do with events. Just be aware of the process (how to add events, how to take attendance, event evaluations, etc).

Managing allocations

Every semester (or so), there will be club allocations. This means clubs will submit to the CFO via ClubDash the funds they’ll need for the coming year, line item by line item. Once they are submitted and reviewed, the clubs will probably get 50-75% of the funds they request. The clubs will have a chance to reallocate to get a higher percentage.

Enabling/disabling allocations

Generally, the CFO will be able to do this themselves. If not, go to the “Admin Panel” section of the sidebar, then to “ClubDash Settings”. Go and set “Allocations” to “Enabled” (or “Disabled”), and make sure you have the allocation period and current semester set correctly.

Managing Club Tip Tuesday subscribers

Club Tip Tuesday is a newsletter sent out by Student Life to club leaders every Tuesday. Adding subscribers To add a person to the mailing list, click on “Admin Panel”, then “Manage Club Tip Tuesday”. Enter the person’s CWID to add them.

Editing and removing subscribers

You’ll need to log into MailChimp (see 1Password for the credentials), and use their subscriber management tools to edit or delete them.

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