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Requirements for Beta version 19.12

p-kolodziejczyk edited this page Dec 8, 2014 · 4 revisions

New game version

This is a list of needed improvements of the first playable that together will result in the Beta version of the game.


  • Decision what to implement in the game and what to leave out
  • Power-ups design
  • Finishing scoring design with creating a table of what and how is scored



  • Add panning and zooming
  • Implement scoring and power-ups
  • Collision detection
  • Implement some of the designed incidents
  • Finish disturbance implementation
  • Make sure the trams stop at stations and before traffic lights
  • Implement varying difficulty
  • Find a smart way of disturbance occurrence and vary their severity. Make sure the situation is solvable but not boring


  • Prepare new versions (1-3) with help of actual CAD drawings. Determine number of trams and their routes
  • Implement traffic lights and switches
  • Add tram stops
  • Add background image
  • Add nice track mesh


  • Implement icons for disturbances
  • Include menus, instructions, buttons etc. and make sure they are working well.
  • Find a nice way to store and display high score.
  • Incorporate feedback from testing
  • Design nice pop-up menus
  • Make sure tram does not collide with buttons


Apart from getting a new version of the game working several side jobs need to be carried out.


First playable testing needs to be carried out according to plan: Testing scheme Received feedback needs to be recorded and incorporated into the game to improve it.

Presentation 11.12

Prepare slides and practice speech to give positive impression. Get feedback from peers.



Game Name

Beta Version Requirements

[To do list before Christmas](To-do List before Christmas)

Design Documents




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