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Project meeting 13 14 nov

Rogiervanarkel edited this page Nov 16, 2014 · 1 revision

LRG projectgroup Thursday 13/14-11-2014

Notes of the meetings Thursday & Friday are combined.

Developing tool: Macomi suggested Unity. We do not have own preferences and the tool seems to have the right options for development of prototypes and further commercialization.


  • Free use for our development
  • Paid modules for little money which might come in handy
  • No real time collaboration.

@Herman : Find out if separately developed modules are mergeable, and how.


@Roger : Set up google groups because a filter in gmail will also send a copy to yourself.


Platform: stand alone, single user interface with shared score table.

Interface: Controller desk is no fun. Topdown view on the map leaves more options to make the game entertaining.


  • realistic maps but no exact copy of an existing/known network. (network characteristics might also be more densely to make it fit one screen)
  • Tramline density : base set up and influenceable.
  • adjustable kpi’s. Automatically by the game and by hand by the player.
  • graphical interface : Mouse and touch with the finger if touch devices attached.
  • Powerups are to be used in disruption and solving but the existing solving solutions from the real world must always be recognizable.

1st playable:

  • smooth running trains
  • stop\start trains
  • rerouting

Task designation:

  • presentation : Roger \ Pawel
  • Information gathering : Roger
  • Disturbances & powerups : Pawel
  • Ranking / measuring system : Roger


Friday :

  • Stephan - won’t attend meeting, maybe afterwards if needed and asked by app.
  • Pawel - Finishing Synopsys planning
  • Roger : Meeting Notes , Roger sends synopsys and planning to Macomi , cc Rafa.
  • Herman & Yang : sit together to dig Unity.

Monday :

  • Stephan - First map design
  • Herman - Find out which technique to use for map representation. Graph, update system or ...

General :

  • Intensive search for information about the real time world will not be performed by developers and designer. All found information needs to be documented because it is a foundation for decisions to be made in developing.


We call it a lightrail game but it concerns all track guided vehicles not being a train.



Game Name

Beta Version Requirements

[To do list before Christmas](To-do List before Christmas)

Design Documents




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