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Development Decisions

Rogiervanarkel edited this page Dec 1, 2014 · 13 revisions

Development decisions

During development we start to implement a basic set for the first playable marked by 1-.


1- Start up screen. Buttons : go, quit, help , high score

1- Main screen, consisting the playing field Buttons: , help, pause, quit

1- Instruction screen (help) with explanation about the game and controls. Buttons : OK

  • High score historical.
    Buttons : OK

The first map:

1- minimum of 3 lines
1- stations
1- reroute possibility


Blockages :

1- Car

  • Switch defect
  • Derailment
  • Defective tram


  • Woman in labour
  • Angry mob

If the player is initiating an action the game is frozen until he conforms his or her choice.

1- Tow car

  • Blow the horn
  • Communications sign (for stations)
  • Repair crew HTM for switch
  • Crane
  • Ambulance
  • Police (car?)

##Tram manipulation 1- Stop / start tram 1- Re-route tram If re-routing is started the path will automatically be completed upto the next descicion crossing.

##measurements: 1- Generally the stations an a specific line will be visited in a regular schedule. (every # minutes) This means they can detect if a tram is to late. If so the disruption timer is set on. If all stations are cleared the disruption timer is stopped.

Levels: Only free play.

##Icon design: Generally the disruption is to be seen with a action button which the player can press. If an action is chosen this disappears and a action timer is presented.

  • Every disruption / incident needs a representation;
  • Action button;
  • Every action results in a icon with a descending timer;
  • A central ascending timer.



Game Name

Beta Version Requirements

[To do list before Christmas](To-do List before Christmas)

Design Documents




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