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Anton Pupkov edited this page Aug 8, 2016 · 1 revision

LobbyNode Fields

The LobbyNode type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Protected field _ParsedData (Inherited from Node.)
Public field CheaterAutoKick A boolean representing if cheaters are automatically kicked
Public field Difficulty Lobby difficulty
Public field DropInEnabled A boolean representing if dropping in is enabled
Public field IsSingleplayer A boolean representing if lobby is singleplayer
Public field IsTeamAIEnabled A boolean representing if team AI is enabled
Public field JobPlan Lobby job plan
Public field KickSetting Lobby kick option
Public field Permissions Lobby visibility permissions
Public field RequiredLevel Required level to join this lobby
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See Also


LobbyNode Class
Aurora.Profiles.Payday_2.GSI.Nodes Namespace

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