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3.0 Organizations

amplifi edited this page Jun 29, 2017 · 1 revision

Organizations are the top-level entity for collecting data within the platform. Organizations manage a collection of projects.

Design Documents


The organizations index will be accessible through a top level navigation tab.

3.0 Organizations Index

The organizations index will include org logo, name, description, number of projects, and date of last update (the date of the last activity). Keyword search, column sort, and filtering will be available. No bulk actions will be available.

All public organizations will be displayed in the index. Private organizations will only be displayed for members of that organization.

Private organizations

Private organizations should have a lock icon appear after the organization name.

Active/Inactive organizations

The status dropdown is only viewable by system admins. Status dropdown options:

  • All active (default)
  • All inactive
  • All orgs

Archiving organizations

Organizations can be archived through the ellipsis menu. A confirmation modal will confirm archiving. Only system administrators can archive organizations. If an organization is already archived, an option to unarchive the organization will be displayed.

3.0.1 Add New Organization Modal

Displays input fields to create a new organization.


By default organizations will be public. A toggle provides the option for a organization to remain private. If an organization is private, only members of that organization will be able to view it. The toggle to "off" (private) will turn the lock icon to red.


Organizations have the option to upload their logo. Recommended sizes are a max of 120 px wide and 50 px high. Preferably the logo will have a transparent background. Acceptable formats are gif, png, and jpg.

Contact information

By default an organization will have inputs provided for one contact, with the option of adding additional contacts by using the Add another contact link. This link will add another row to the table with input fields.

Add button

Once selected, the user is directed to 3.1 Organization Dashboard for the newly created organization.

3.1 Organization Dashboard

Serves as a dashboard for the organization. The page details are still undefined but we should be adding value by presenting org-level statistical information. The wireframe provides some samples of the types of information we could provide.

An initial creation wireframe is an example of what we should show for organizations that have just been created. We should provide basic intro text, links to common actions, and a getting started video or documentation if available.

Organization navigation

Within an organization, internal navigation on the left will include:

  • Dashboard (selected)
  • Projects
  • Members
  • Activity
  • Reports

Add button

Within an organization, the add button should provide options to:

  • Add new project (leads to 3.2.1)
  • Add new member (leads to 3.3.1)

Ellipsis menu

To the right of the organization header is an ellipsis menu that will be viewable by org admins and system admins only. Options include:

  • Edit the organization
  • Archive an organization (sys admins only) - or unarchive if already archived

Organization details

The upper right column will contain the organization's description, url, contact names, and email alias.

3.1.1 Edit Organization Modal

Similar to 3.0.1, this modal provides editable fields for the organization details.

3.1.2 Confirmation Modal

This confirmation modal is for system administrators to confirm archiving an organization.

3.2 Organization Project Index

Index of all projects within an organization. All public projects will be displayed. Private projects (designated with lock icon) are only displayed for members that have permission. Selection of any project will direct users to 2.1 Project Overview.

If no projects are available, basic intro text with links to common actions should be provided. Getting started documentation and videos should be provided if available.

3.2.1 Project Boundary

Provides 3-step wizard approach to creating a new project. This page serves as step 1.

The map provides a canvas for the user to draw the project geometry. The search box and map controls helps locate the area. The pencil tool will be used for drawing and the trashcan will be available for the user to redraw a new area if needed.

After successfully drawing the project geometry, the user selects the continue button to be directed to 3.2.2. If the user selects cancel, the user is returned to 3.2 and no new project is recorded.

3.2.2 Project Details

Step 2 of 3 is the project details form input page.

The continue button directs the user to 3.2.3. If the user selects cancel, the user is returned to 3.2 and no new project is recorded.

3.2.3 Project Permissions

Step 3 of 3 allows for permissions to be assigned to organizational members. Members are assigned permissions on a project level. By default when a new public project is added all members have public access. When a new private project is added, members have to be assigned permissions to be able to view it. Permissions are inherited, meaning that if a project manager box is checked, the data collector box automatically becomes checked as well.


Organizational administrators are labeled as Administrator in the permissions column. Management of org admin permissions must be done on an organizational level.

Search, sort, filter and the bulk action of change role are available. The submit button directs users to 2.1 Project Overview for the newly created project.

3.3 Organization Members

Includes table of all members of organization.

3.3.1 Add Members Modal

Modal with text input to add usernames and email addresses. To protect user privacy, only a text field is available without autocomplete. Email notifications will be sent to users informing them that they are now organization members. There is a link in the email notification that can be used to opt-out. Once added to an organization users can be assigned permissions.


  • Organization administrator adds user by username or email address. The org admin must know the name of the username or email address.
  • Once they have added the user a notification email goes to the user. The email includes a link that says "Did you not want to be added to this organization, click here." That link then removes them from the organization. The user does not have to confirm they want to be added.

Error messages

A text input field is available to accept usernames or email addresses. Error messages will be directly below the text field.

Continue button directs user to 3.3.2 Member Detail.

3.3.2 Member Details

Provides basic user info.

Role selection

The role dropdown will provide short descriptions for each option. Options include:

  • Administrator, full access (hide project index on right)
  • Member (default), roles assigned on project-level

By default a new member is added as a member role and the permissions will need to be assigned in the project index on the right. An administrator has full access to all projects so the project index is not needed. If an administrator is changed to a member or vice-versa, 3.3.3 confirmation modal should open.

Remove member button

If the remove member button is selected, confirmation modal 3.3.4 should open to confirm action.

Project permissions

For members, the default value for new public projects is public. Members must have at least project user permission to view a private project. The dropdown will provide short descriptions for each option. Options include:

  • Project Manager
  • Data Collector
  • Project User
  • Public (default)

3.3.3 Change Role Confirmation Modal

When an administrator is changed to a member or vice-versa, 3.3.3 confirmation modal should open. The new member role will lose full access and will need to be assigned permissions on a project level. The new administrator role will gain full access but will lose specific role assignments on a project level. The modal should contain a warning and confirm the action.

3.3.4 Remove Member Confirmation Modal

When a user is removed from an organization, 3.3.4 confirmation modal should open. The modal should contain a warning and confirm the action.

3.4 Organization Reports

Lists all reports available (still being defined).

3.5 Organization Activity Feed

Lists all actions within the organization - projects and members. No actions available except column sort and keyword search.

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