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2.2 Project Map

amplifi edited this page Jun 29, 2017 · 1 revision

Project map that allows for visual browsing of locations.

User Flows and Wireframes

This page is a map of the project that allows for easy visual browsing of locations and all the information associated.

Design Documents


Within a project, internal navigation on the left will include:

  • Overview (2.1)
  • Map (selected) (2.2)
  • Resources (2.4)
  • Reports (Phase 2) (2.5)
  • Activity (2.6)

2.2 Project Map

The map displays the project geometry and all the locations included in the project.

Search and filter

A horizontal area with keyword search and filters for location type and party name.

Keyword search box allows for searching across all records. Results are reflected in locations displayed on the map and in the results list below.

Location type drop-down filter will display the legend for the map with the ability to turn on/off location types displayed by specific criteria. Only the top 7 types of each category will show the the remaining types being included in an 8th "Other" category.

The party name drop-down will provide single selection of party names.

Map View Only

Locations index

Collapsible list on left of all locations displayed on the map. This serves as an abbreviated list of the data list view. The number of records displayed and changeable sort order is displayed.

Map Hover Popover

Hover of a location on the map will show location details in a popover. Moving the cursor to another area changes the popover.

2.2.1 Location Detail (map view)

Location details are displayed in a closable fixed panel on the right. This is opened from a click on a map location or popover.

Provides most current data is format of relationships and associated parties/locations. Selection of the location name or party name links to a detailed list view. The location edit icon directs user to The location ellipsis menu contains links to add relationship (, view raw data (modal, and delete location (

Starter text for new locations without any relationships should be in this area to assist users with common next steps.

2.2.1 Location Detail (list view)

Location details are displayed in an expandable table format. Location name, location type, data last updated and action icons of map and edit. An ellipsis menu provides additional actions of add relationship, view raw data, and delete location (same as on map view).

Under each location relationships and associated parties/locations are listed. Action links to edit the relationship and an ellipsis menu with links to view raw data or delete relationship are displayed.

Associated parties and locations are linked. These will direct the user to list page with the selected entity displayed at the root level. Edit Location (1 of 2)

First page of two for editing locations. Map includes tool for drawing new location geometry. The save and continue button directs user to with location details displayed. Edit Location (2 of 2)

Allows for modifying or adding location details. The save button directs user to 2.2.1 with updated location displayed. Raw Data Modal

Modal with table displaying raw data for location. Provides button to edit data in table. Delete Location Confirmation Modal

When delete option is selected from the ellipsis menu, a confirmation modal opens to confirm delete action. Once confirmed, user should be redirected back to 2.2 with timed confirmation message. Download Project Data Modal

Download data button is available in all list views of 2.2 Map. When selected, this modal will appear to allow selection of file format and resources. If download is successful, this modal should close with confirmation message on following page. If not successful, an error message should appear on the modal. Location: Add New Relationship

Sections for adding a new relationship:

  1. Relationship details - Tenure type, Type of acquisition, Date of acquisition, Relationship notes, Resources
  2. Party or Location connection

The save button will direct the user to 2.2. Location: Edit Relationship

Form input for updating a relationship similar to Raw Data Modal

Modal with table displaying raw data for relationship. Provides button to edit data in table. Location: Delete Relationship Confirmation Modal

Action link opens confirmation modal to confirm delete action. Location: Add New Party

The page contains a form for project details.

  1. Party details - Name, ID, Gender, Date of Birth , Resources
  2. Relationship details - Tenure type, Type of acquisition, Date of acquisition, Relationship notes, Resources

The save button will direct the user to 2.2. Location: Edit Party

Form similar to Raw Data Modal

Modal with table displaying raw data for party. Provides button to edit data in table. Location: Delete Party Confirmation Modal

Action link opens confirmation modal to confirm delete action. Location: Add New Resource

Allows user to add resources by two methods:

  • From library
  • Upload new

The From library tab provides an index of all resources in the project associated with any entity. User selects the checkbox in the row to add the resource.

The Upload new allows users to upload their own resource files.

See section 2.4 for more information. Location: Edit Resource

Allows editing of resource fields or replacing file with new version. The save button returns the user to the location resources tab with the updated resource displayed. Location: Resources Detail Modal

Provides larger preview (320 X 180) thumbnail or icon with related players, details about resource, file size and download link.

Action links direct users to Edit Resource, Remove Confirmation Modal, and Delete Confirmation modal. Ability to view action links are based on role permissions. Location: Remove Resource Confirmation Modal

Action link opens confirmation modal to confirm remove action. This removes the association of the resource to the entity. Location: Delete Resource Confirmation Modal

Action link opens confirmation modal to confirm delete action. This archives the resource and removes it from the searchable library

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