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How to run multiple cases in parallel using PyCOMPSs

Carlos Roig edited this page Jan 31, 2022 · 4 revisions


This tutorial gives a brief but exhaustive overview about the integration of PyCOMPSs inside the Kratos environment in order to launch multiple cases of a problem concurrently.


What is PyCOMPSs?

COMP Superscalar (COMPSs) is a framework developed at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) whose aim is to ease the running of applications in distributed environments. Exploiting this structure, the developer can program following the sequential programming paradigm and avoid considering parallelization, distribution, data distribution, etc. PyCOMPSs is the python library required in order to use COMPSs in a python environment.


PyCOMPSs needs several libraries installed in your system. Please before proceeding to install, ensure this are present in your system:

sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk graphviz xdg-utils libtool automake build-essential python python-dev libpython2.7 python3 python3-dev libboost-serialization-dev libboost-iostreams-dev  libxml2 libxml2-dev csh gfortran libgmp3-dev flex bison texinfo python3-pip libpapi-dev

Installing PyCOMPSs using pip

To install PyCOMPSs please execute the following command as sudo:

sudo -E python3 -m pip install pycompss -v

How to install PyCOMPSs using sources

The following section guides the user toward the installation of the PyCOMPSs library. Check the presence of apt-get and all the usual Ubuntu installers. In general these commands should not be needed.

# clean APT
sudo -E apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends apt-utils

COMPSs needs Java 8, with other versions does not work. So we uninstall any existing Java version and we install Java 8 to be sure that the used Java is the one with version 8.

# remove any Java version
dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package}\n' | grep -E -e '^(ia32-)?(sun|oracle)-java' -e '^openjdk-' -e '^icedtea' -e '^(default|gcj)-j(re|dk)' -e '^gcj-(.*)-j(re|dk)' | xargs sudo apt-get -y remove

Download and install COMPSs.

# setup COMPSs version and path
# setup bash environment
grep -v "JAVA_HOME" "$HOME"/.bashrc > "$HOME"/newbashrc
echo "export JAVA_HOME=\"/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/\"" >> "$HOME"/newbashrc
echo "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:\"/opt/COMPSs/Bindings/python/3/\"" >> "$HOME"/newbashrc
echo "source /etc/profile.d/" >> "$HOME"/newbashrc
mv "$HOME"/newbashrc "$HOME"/.bashrc
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/"
# download COMPSs
sudo rm -rf "${compss_path}"
cd "$HOME"
git clone -b 2.8 "${compss_folder_name}"
cd "${compss_path}"
cd -
# install COMPSs without monitor (-M) and autoparallel (-A)
cd "${compss_path}"/builders
sudo -E ./buildlocal -M -A
cd -

In addition to the previous steps, we need to be able to ssh to localhost without password in the local machine we run compss. We already have this in a cluster but in local it is not always the case. The steps to follow are the followings. Check if we already have a ssh key:

ls ~/.ssh

In case the file "" exists, that means that we already have ssh keys. Otherwise, we should run the following command:


Once the "" file has been generated, we should run this command in order to be able to have passwordless ssh to localhost:

cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

These final steps are needed because COMPSs needs passwordless ssh connection between all the nodes used in a computation.

A small observation now: in case you are compiling again, so it is not the first time you compile, and you get the error

cp: cannot stat '"${compss_path}"/builders/tmp/compss/runtime/adaptors/agent/master/*.jar': No such file or directory

then you need to checkout the whole software on a different folder and run again the compilation.

Common Install Problems

In case of problem during the installation, try to add the flag -K (stream backend) to the buildlocal. In other words, use:

sudo -E ./buildlocal -M -A -K

If the installation cannot find MPI related dependencies, please indicate the locations using the following env variables:


If the installation cannot find the OpenMP headers in your computer after installing libgmp3-dev, please install them using:


How can I use this library?

The PyCOMPSs library can be used inside a python environment to run a distributed simulation, thus it allows to launch multiple simulations, as we will see. Since the goal of this section is to describe how to implement COMPSs inside Kratos, we choose to solve a very simple problem: a two-dimensional Poisson equation.

Suppose we have to run many times the same simulation changing only few parameters between different scenarios. To avoid launching many times the same simulation, that can be highly time-consuming, we can launch all the simulations required together exploiting PyCOMPSs.

Problem definition

Let's consider the stationary heat equation with a varying heat flux, a square two-dimensional domain and Dirichlet boundary conditions. The problem is

with boundary condition

where , and , i.e. follows a beta distribution. The thermal diffusivity is for simplicity. The Quantity of Interest (QoI) we are interested about is the integral over the whole domain of the temperature, meaning:

In this problem we have a heat flux that varies following a beta distribution, but it is also possible to define a list of values for the heat flux and at each iteration to use one of them.

We report here the python file containing the SimulationScenario (the AnalysisStage of the problem), the main and the functions needed to run the tutorial.

We want to highlight that in the SimulationScenario class we added the EvaluateQuantityOfInterest(self) function with respect to the AnalysisStage base class. This function computes the QoI, given the results of the analysis. In addition, we see ModifyInitialProperties(self) modifies the property KratosMultiphysics.HEAT_FLUX of our PDE.

Integration of PyCOMPSs

We start now analyzing how PyCOMPSs is defined inside our code. First of all we observe the import statements:

from pycompss.api.task import task
from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on
from pycompss.api.parameter import *

We import:

  • task: the attribute we give to each function we want to launch in distributed environment,
  • compss_wait_on: the command that brings the return of a task back to our local machine (explained deeper later),
  • parameter: all the parameter attributes, required for example to read the project_parameters.json file inside a task.

Observe that these three lines in the code are commented, since we import them with the single command

from exaqute.ExaquteTaskPyCOMPSs import *

Task definition

Each function that we want to run in distributed environment should be defined as a task. In our example we have two tasks:

def SerializeModelParameters_Task(parameter_file_name):


def ExecuteInstance_Task(pickled_model,pickled_parameters,heat_flux_list,instance):

Many different attributes can be given to customize each task, in this tutorial we only describe the ones we used here. In a task definition we always have to define the number of returns of the task, e.g.


denotes that the number of returns of the task will be two. And these two will be pycompss.runtime.binding.Future objects, always! On the other hand,


says that the string parameter_file_name is read-only. For more parameter options we leave as a reference the COMPSs user manual, chapter 3 "Python Binding".

Use and abuse of compss_wait_on

The compss_wait_on command brings the pycompss.runtime.binding.Future back to its "real" nature, i.e. if in the task we compute qoi that is a float, and then we return this variable, qoi is a pycompss.runtime.binding.Future. Only the execution of the compss_wait_on command convert it from pycompss.runtime.binding.Future to float. To clarify what we have just said, we report the following example taken from our problem. From each ExecuteInstance_Task task we return a single float number, whose type is pycompss.runtime.binding.Future. We append each of these values in the qoi list, and we print type and value of the first member of qoi before and after the call of compss_wait_on.

qoi = compss_wait_on(qoi)


<class 'pycompss.runtime.binding.Future'> <pycompss.runtime.binding.Future object at 0x7f7f1ff766a0>
<class 'float'> 1.14

where 1.14 is just the value of the variable for the first instance. Therefore it is clear the importance of this command for the visualization of the results.

On the other hand, we should not abuse of the compss_wait_on command. In fact, what this command does is synchronizing qoi with our local machine, thus it is a synchronization point and we should minimize its usage and locate it as in the and as possible in our code to fully exploit the distribution potential!

Running with PyCOMPSs

The problem of this tutorial can be directly run without difficulties using python3:


On the other hand, to run with PyCOMPSs the command is the following:

runcompss \
    --lang=python \
    --python_interpreter=python3 \
    --pythonpath=$TEST_DIR \
    --graph=false \
    --trace=false \

The graph of our simulation is graph and shows the parallelism of the execution. The blue circles are the ExecuteInstance_Task tasks, while the red hexagon is the synchronization point. To obtain the graph and the trace, one should run with --graph=true and --trace=true, respectively. The graph and the trace can be found in ~/.COMPSs/execution_id/monitor and ~/.COMPSs/execution_id/trace, respectively. In order to visualize the graph connections, we should execute compss_gengraph, which generates the pdf of the graph. In old PyCOMPSs versions the command was gengraph To see the trace, let's open the *.prv file using the wxparaver software, which can be downloaded from the BSC page.

Important observations

To launch simulation using PyCOMPSs we must always use the ABSOLUTE path referring to any file, that in our case are project_parameters.json and model_part.mdpa files. Thus we should have

parameter_file_name = "/ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/project_parameters.json"


"input_filename": "/ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/model_part"

Another important observation is that not all Kratos objects can be used as PyCOMPSs inputs, e.g., KratosMultiphysics.Model and KratosMultiphysics.Parameters classes cannot. To overcome this issue, we exploit the KratosMultiphysics.StreamSerializer class, which can serialize all the Kratos classes, and this class can be used as input in a task. In our problem, the function taking care of the serialization is SerializeModelParameters_Task.

Project information

Getting Started



Kratos structure



Debugging, profiling and testing



Kratos API

Kratos Structural Mechanics API

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