This repository is my storage for everything related with programming microcontrollers of any kind. If you like you can also watch videos about programming microcontrollers on my Zero Amps YouTube channel.
- NationalAnthemOfRussia - it plays National anthem of Russia using a passive buzzer.
- Blink - it blinks a LED.
- SimpleBlink - it blinks a LED, but the code is even simpler then the blink one.
- ChristmasStarLedChaser - it drives a christmas star led chaser.
- ESP8266 - this is a getting started guide for the ESP8266 module.
- HC-05 Serial Port Bluetooth Module - this is a getting started guide for the serial port bluetooth master/slave module HC-05.
- C Primer Plus (Sixth Edition) - is a great book about C language which is inevitable for programming microcontrollers.
- The Art of Electronics - is a popular textbook dealing with analog and digital electronics.