This program is written for a christmas star led chaser, see Christmas Star Led Chaser With ATtiny13A on YouTube. For uploading binaries I use USBasp programmer which supports TPI (Tiny Programming Interface) and SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface).
TIP: How to program AVR microcontrollers in Visual Studio Code
The code is written specifically for ATtiny13A, but it should work also on other microcontrollers.
In Visual Studio Code just press Ctrl+Shift+B and it compiles the code and uploads it to a microcontroller. For correct intellisense in Visual Studio Code don't forget to change c_cpp_properties.json to your target microcontroller.
"defines": [
By default for ATtiny13A, F_CPU=1000000UL.
avr-gcc simple_blink.c -mmcu=attiny13 -DF_CPU=1000000UL -Os -o simple_blink.bin
avrdude -c usbasp -p attiny13 -U simple_blink.bin