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Pootle FS and monolingual files

Dwayne Bailey edited this page Apr 11, 2016 · 1 revision

This is an attempt to make our use cases for Pootle FS and monolingual files:

  1. Initialising a TP
  2. Updating templates
  3. Serializing a translation
  4. Updating TP with changes from Pootle FS

Initialising a TP

This is templates or source language e.g. en-US. If no TP exists then this is simply a copy of the source language.

Updating templates

In bilingual files we're doing this in the files itself and Pootle is not concerned about the templates directly. I.e. with bilingual files when we upload new templates we don't filter that through to the TPs.

With monolingual files we will need to do this when we change template files and do it within Pootle.

Change would be as follows:

  1. New entity arrives in template -> New entity should arrive in TP
  2. Entity is removed from template -> Entity should be obsoleted in TP
  3. Entity value changes in template -> Entity ib target should become fuzzy
  4. Entity renamed in template -> Not sure we can track this, so new entity created and old entity obsoleted. TM should give the user access to the old unit

Serializing translations

Templates provide a layout template for serializing the translations. Pootle provides the translations that are placed into the new output file.

Updating TP with changes from Pootle FS

We are not really able to serialize if:

a) The template has been changed - we'd need the Stores in Pootle to be realigned before we serialize b) The source file has changed - we want to pull in FS changes as we would with bilingual files

So some use cases:

  1. Entity value changed in FS, entity value unchanged in Pootle -> import new translation into Pootle
  2. Entity value changed in FS, entity value changed in Pootle -> import new translation and turn Pootle translation into a suggestion
  3. Entity value changed in FS, template value changed in FS -> UNSURE, is the FS translation based on new template value or based on old template value? We might need to assume its correct? Safest would perhaps be to manage this based on file time stamps. ???? Needs some thought.
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