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Monolingual formats

Allan Nordhøy edited this page Apr 18, 2018 · 4 revisions


  • Retain existing behaviour for bilingual projects
  • Any useful features may be ported across once stable

Template authority

  • Templates are absolutely authoritative
    • a store cannot exist in a lang tp if not in corresponding template tp
    • a unit cannot existing in lang stores if not in corresponding template store
    • all stores/units in template tp are present in all lang tps

Unit/Store persistence

  • 2 possible approaches
    • Stores/Units are only created in db when the lang unit has a target (or other data)
      • lets call it "shadowed tps"
    • Stores/Units are created/updated/deleted in every lang tp on template change
      • "mirrored tps"

Shadowed TPs

  • Far better design
    • more efficient
    • less units
    • less change
  • Requires more work most of the way through stack
    • de/serialization
    • unit retrieval (ie get_units)
    • diffing/Store.update

Mirrored TPs

  • Way less efficient
  • Requires far less work to implement
  • Could be converted to shadowed approach once stable

Template versioning

  • When templates are significant there are some advantages to retaining a copy of the template at a particular sync/revision
  • In the mlo case there is a desire to preserve formatting (present in the template) in the target lang files, so having a stored copy of template will make it easier to do so


  • Initial focus is on getting pootle_fs to (be able to) do things in the right order and delegating to correct authority
  • Not clear what (if any) changes to project_tree code-path would be required to make it work - may be just a matter of documentation
  • Disable monolingual formats for non-pootle_fs ?

source_language authority

  • Still need to resolve relationship between named templates tp and linked source_language for a given project
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