This is a slideshow originally produced for PyCon UK 2017.
The version presented at Write the Docs Prague 2018 can be found at tag WriteTheDocs_Prague_2018
The "short" version of the slides is as actually presented at Write the Docs Prague 2018. It is meant to be about 30 minutes long. You can see it as recorded at WtD Prague 2018. This verson was 30 minutes long.
The "long" version of the slides here is as presented at Write the Docs Cambridge in February 2018. It is meant to be about 40-45 minutes long.
I also gave this longer version of the talk at work in May 2018.
The version presented at PyCon UK 2017 can be found at tag pycon-uk-2017. You can see it as recorded at PyCon UK 2017. This version was 30 minutes long.
The earlier version given to CamPUG in October 2017 can be found at tag campug-oct-2017. It was about 45 minutes long.
All sources are in reStructuredText, and thus intended to be readable as plain text.
- The sources for the slides are in markup-history.rst and markup-history-wide.rst (customised for 4x3 and 16x9 respectively, although they're actually the same bar some formatting).
- Notes per slide (for the presenter) are separated out into notes-per-slide.rst.
- Extended notes (with links) are in markup-history-extended-notes.rst.
(Note that github will present the .rst
files in rendered form as HTML,
albeit using their own styling (which makes notes a bit odd). If you want
to see the original reStructuredText source, you have to click on the "Raw"
link at the top of the file's page.)
Since this version of the talk uses PDF slides, which I produce via pandoc and TeX, I'm including the resultant PDF files in the repository. These will not necessarily be as up-to-date as the source files, so check their timestamps.
There are two versions of the slides here - the shorter (about 25 minutes) version, and the longer (about 45 minutes) version.
- Longer:
- The 4x3 aspect ratio slides are markup-history-long-4x3.pdf.
- The 16x9 aspect ratio slides are markup-history-long-16x9.pdf.
- There is a PDF version of the notes per slide in notes-per-slide-long.pdf.
- Shorter:
- The 4x3 aspect ratio slides are markup-history-short-4x3.pdf.
- There is a PDF version of the notes per slide in notes-per-slide-short.pdf.
For convenience, you can use the Makefile to create the PDF slides, create the HTML version of the extended notes, and so on. For instance:
$ make pdf
will make the PDF files.
For what the Makefile can do, use:
$ make help
Requirements to build the documents:
- pandoc and TeX (on mac, BasicTeX should be enough). Not needed if you're
just going to do
make html
. - docutils (for reStructuredText).
and an appropriate make
program if you want to use the Makefile.
This slideshow and its related files are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.