By Tibs / Tony Ibbs
This version for the Write The Docs, Prague, 2018
Written using reStructuredText.
Converted to PDF slides using pandoc and beamer.
Source and extended notes at
- 1960s TYPSET and RUNOFF, GML
- 1970s roff, runoff, nroff/troff, \text{\TeX} in SAIL
- 1980s \text{\TeX} in WEB/Pascal, \text{\LaTeX}, SGML, TEI
- 1990s HTML, setext, Docbook, WikiWikiWeb, XML
- 2000s reStructuredText, AsciiDoc, markdown
Presentational or Semantic
...but also lightweight, and maybe programmable
Call us on our toll free number
and we will respond as soon as convenient.
DTD for a list:
<!ELEMENT list - - (item)+ >
<!ELEMENT item O O (#PCDATA, (list)*) >
and such a list:
<item>First item</item>
<item>Second item</item>
<item>Last item</item>
corrupt \- modify files by randomly changing bits
.B corrupt
[\fB\-n\fR \fIBITS\fR]
[\fB\-\-bits\fR \fIBITS\fR]
.IR file ...
.B corrupt
modifies files by toggling a randomly chosen bit.
.BR \-n ", " \-\-bits =\fIBITS\fR
Set the number of bits to modify. Default is one bit.
\section*{Captain Competent strikes again}
The superhero is a familiar concept in comics, science
fiction and many other fields. However, I am more
interested in what might be called `the competent
hero'. This is a subtler form of protagonist---a
person who has attained {\em competence} in their
daily life.
<lg type="sestina">
<lg type="sestet" rhyme="ababab">
<l>I saw my soul at rest upon a
<rhyme label="a" xml:id="A">day</rhyme></l>
<l>As a bird sleeping in the nest of
<rhyme label="b" xml:id="B">night</rhyme>,</l>
<l>Among soft leaves that give the starlight
<rhyme label="a" xml:id="C">way</rhyme></l>
<l>To touch its wings but not its eyes with
<rhyme label="b" xml:id="D">light</rhyme>;</l>
<l>So that it knew as one in visions
<rhyme label="a" xml:id="E">may</rhyme>,</l>
<l>And knew not as men waking, of
<rhyme label="b" xml:id="F">delight</rhyme>.</l>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>This is a title</title>
<p>Hello world!</p>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD Simplified DocBook XML V1.0//EN"
<title>DocBook Tutorial</title>
<firstname>Adrian</firstname> <surname>Giurca</surname>
<date>April 5, 2005</date>
<title>What is DocBook ?</title>
<para>DocBook is an SGML dialect developed by O'Reilly
and HaL Computer Systems in 1991.</para>
This is the title. There can be only one.
Body text must be indented by two spaces.
A subheading
**Bold words** and ~italic~ are supported.
_Underlined_words_ are also supported.
`Backquoted words` are not touched.
> This text will be represented using a monospaced font.
* This text will have a bullet mark before it.
.. Two dots introduce text that can be ignored.
.. Two dots alone mean the logical end of text.
Paragraphs are not indented. * This is a list item ** This is a sub-list item Indented text is monospaced. We have ''emphasis'', '''bold''', '''''bold italic''''', and a LinkToAnotherPage. But we can A''''''voidMakingAWikiLink. No HTML, tables, headers, maths, scripts. No links within a page.
This is a heading
This is a paragraph. Body text is not indented.
- This is a list item. Words can be *emphasized*,
**strong** or ``teletype`` - yes, that's paired
backquotes [1]_.
- This is a list item as well.
This is more of the second list item. It is indented
This is a sub-heading
Sub-section body text is not indented either.
.. [1] Note the indentation inside the list item.
This is a heading
This is a paragraph. Body text is not indented.
- This is a list item. Words can be _italic_, *bold* or
+mono+ - yes, that's paired plus-signs.
- This is a list item as well.
This is more of the second list item. It is "`joined on`"
by the `+`.footnote:[Note the quotation marks around
_joined on_.]
This is a sub-heading
Sub-section body text is not indented either.
# This is a heading
This is a paragraph. Body text is not indented.
- This is a list item. Words can be *emphasized*,
**strong** or `inline` - that's single backquotes.
- This is a list item as well.
This is more of the second list item. Its first line
must be indented by 4 spaces or a tab.
## This is a sub-heading
Sub-section body text is not indented either.
(No footnotes. But <tt>HTML</tt> is allowed.)
- 1960s TYPSET and RUNOFF, GML
- 1970s roff, runoff, nroff/troff, \text{\TeX} in SAIL
- 1980s \text{\TeX} in WEB/Pascal, \text{\LaTeX}, SGML, TEI
- 1990s HTML, setext, Docbook, WikiWikiWeb, XML
- 2000s reStructuredText, AsciiDoc, markdown
Written using reStructuredText.
Converted to PDF slides using pandoc and beamer.
Source and extended notes at