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Setup Instructions

Conda is required to run the setup script included with this repository. To avoid licensing issues with Anaconda, it is recommended you install conda on your machine via Miniconda rather than Anaconda.

To create a fresh conda env with all the necessary dependencies, simply run

chmod +x

at the root directory of this repository. This script will setup a new conda env, install some additional pip packages, and install mujoco210.

Note that some of the included scripts and functionality (such as running the Digit async simulation) require Agility provided ar-software, which is provided only to Agility customers. These scipts/functions, like and, will not run without it. Our code is still provided here so other Digit customers can use it, even though it is useless to non-customers. Regardless the Digit MuJoCo can still be run and Digit policies can still be trained and evaluated in sim.

You might need to install ffmpeg, with

sudo apt install ffmpeg

You should then be able to run the tests. Start with sim tests first, then env tests, then finally algo test. Run:

python --all

Alternatively, you can run each test individually with the following commands:

python --sim
python --env
python --algo
python --nn
python --render
python --mirror
python --timing

Note that for the sim test there is an intermittent seg fault issue with the libcassie viewer. If you get a segfault during libcassiesim test, you might have to try running it again a few times. We've found that it can sometimes happen if you close the viewer window too early.

Training Instructions

Run the following to launch training on your local machine.


You can also launch training from command with the script. Algo generic arguments are defined in here while algo specific ones are defined in the corresponding algo file (see algo for explanation on PPO arguments). arguments are:

  • env-name: The name of the environment to train on.
  • wandb: Whether to use wandb for logging or not. By default is set to False.
  • wandb-project-name: If using wandb, what is the project name to log to. By default is "roadrunner_refactor"
  • logdir: The path of the directory to log and save files to.
  • run-name: The name of the run/policy. Actor and critic .pt files, along with all logging files will be saved to the folder logdir/env-name/run-name/timestamp/. If a run-name is not provided, a hash string will be auto generated and used instead.
  • seed: What to set the random seed to.
  • traj-len: The maximum allowed trajectory length. During training, we will not collect samples beyond this point and will instead use the current critic to estimate the infinite horizon value.
  • timesteps: How many total (for the entire training) timesteps to sample. Rather than train for a certain number of interations, we say that we are train using X amount of total samples. Often we just set this to be arbitrarily large like 5e9 to make the training run "forever" and then just stop the training manually ourselves when we see the learning curve plateau.

Evaluation Instructions

After training a policy (or you can test with the provided policies in ./pretrained_models) you can evaluate with the script. For example, run

python interactive --path ./pretrained_models/LocomotionEnv/cassie-LocomotionEnv/10-27-17-03/

to visualize and run a Cassie walking policy. Terminal printout will show a legend of keyboard commands along with what the current commands are. See evaluation_factory documentation for more details.

Cassie Asynchronous Sim/Hardware Evaluation Instructions

To run Cassie policies in the asynchronous simulator or on the hardware, use the script. It simply takes in arguments of the policy path along with whether to do logging or not (logging is on by default). Note that you need to cassie-mujoco-sim to run the async simulator. Once setup, run ./cassiesim -vxr in the example directory as a separate process. This will open a visualization window, and you can then run and it should automatically connect to the cassiesim process.

Digit AR-Control/Hardware Evaluation Instructions

This can ONLY be run by Digit customers with access to Agility provided ar-software. To run Digit policies in asynchronous ar-control or on the hardware, use the script. It simply takes in arguments of the policy path along with whether to do logging or not (logging is on by default). Note that the script assumes that you have the ar-software-2023.01.13a directory in your home directory. If it is not there, it will assume that you have already started ar-control manually. Otherwise assuming that everything is in the right place, the script will launch ar-control for you, and you can goto localhost:8080/gamepad in your web browser to view the visualization. The script uses the same setup for keyboard control as the sim interactive control (see the env readme). There is also an additional key command automatically added: the "m" key will toggle the control mode of Digit. By default Digit will start out using the Agility controller. Hitting the "m" key will switch to your policy and you can toggle back and forth as you wish.

Currently only policy inputs, outputs, time, and orient_add are logged. For now if you want to add logging of your own values, add an array/dictionary to the log_data dictionary in the run function. Initialize it with LOGSIZE entries (basically want to allocate memory of the list only once), and then write your data to log_data in run. An easier way to add custom logs may come later.

Structure Overview

The repo is split into 6 main folders. Each contains it's own readme with further documentation.

  • algo: Contains all of the PPO implentation code. All algorithm/training code should go here.
  • nn: Contains all of the neural network definitions used for both actors and critics. Implements things like FF networks, LSTM networks, etc.
  • env: Contains all of the environment definitions. Split into Cassie and Digit envs. Also contains all of the reward functions.
  • sim: Contains all of the simulation classes that the environment use and interact with.
  • testing: Contains all of the testing functions used for CI and debugging. Performance testing for policies will go here as well.
  • util: Contains repo wide utility functions. Only utilities that are used across multiple of the above folders, or in scripts at the top level should be here. Otherwise they should go into the corresponding folder's util folder.


Paper code based off of this main branch can be found in the other branches of this repository.

This repository is provided completely as is and is intended purely as an open sourcing of specific paper codebases and other related code. While things should work, functionality, future support and compatility, requests for changes/features, etc. are not guaranteed. Also note that this is very specific research code and was not made with total generality in mind like Gym or stable-baselines.


This codebase was created by students at the DRAIL lab at Oregon State University. It is based off of previous lab repos like apex. which itself is based off of and inspired by repos from @ikostrikov, @rll, @OpenAI, @sfujim, and @modestyachts.


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