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Repo wide utility functions are contained here. A few useful utilities are highlighted here.

check_number contains the is_variable_valid function that will check if the data is/contains any NaN, Inf, or None values. This can be useful for checking and debugging during optimization, when you might get invalid numbers after taking a bad gradient step. This file also has the unpack_training_error function that you can use to examine the file that generates when it encounters such bad values in the optimization.

colors contains unicode color constants to print color text. This is mostly used for test and check statements to print warning, error, and passing statements.

env_factory implements the env_factory function which handles creation of the environment objects. It takes in a string name of the environment to create along with a list, namespace, or argparser object of environment arguments and returns a partial function that will create the corresponding environment object. For example, it will return the function env_fn, and then you new env objects (an arbitrary amount, all with the exact same arguments) can be made by just calling env_fn(). The main purpose of this is for use in parallel settings, where the same single env partial function can be passed to multiple workers so each can create their own env object with the exact same intialization paramemters.

However, even in non parallel settings where you only need to make a single env we still recommend using env_factory, as it handles all of the imports for you as well. In order to handle loading any env, all your script needs to import is the env_factory function. Importing of the necessary env files will happen dynamically and automatically at run time in the env_factory function. This is how we handle environment creation and this is what should be used anytime you need to make and env.

evaluation_factory implements the simulation policy evaluation/visualization functions. There are two types of eval, simple_eval and interactive_eval. simple_eval will just open a visualization window and does not accept any user input, while interactive_eval will take in user input as defined by the interactive eval functions defined by the env (see the env readme for more details). There is also simple_eval_offscreen, which is the same as simple_eval without any visualization, only episode length and average reward values will be printed out. This can be useful for evaluating a policy in a remote setting when no visualization is available, like on vLab.

simple_eval is also used the env test eval option (see You can "evaluate" an env without a policy (it'll just send random actions) with

python test --env-name MyEnv

This can be useful for testing to make sure your env works and at least runs before strating any training. You can also specify any env arguments as well, so you can also use it test your new reward functions with

python test --env-name MyEnv --reward-name myreward

nn_factory acts very similarly as but for NNs instead. You give it a Namespace of args (so args have to already be parsed from the command line) and it will construct and return the specified actor and critic objects. Whenever you need to make an actor/critic should use this function, that way you only have import the single function nn_factory. This file also contains the functions for saving and loading policy checkpoint .pt files.

plot_log is our utility for plotting the hardware logs that are saved from (as of now for Cassie has not been updated and is not compatible with This utility uses dash and plotly to do live plotting in your browser. Simply run

python util/

and then in a web browser navigate to localhost:8050. By default it will use port 8050, but if that port is taken you can change it with the --port argument. You will see a text box in which you can enter the path to the log folder you wish to plot. Remember that you give the folder containing the log files, the individual logdata_partX.pkl files themselves. Relative paths (relative to where ever you run the script from) are ok, and it will auto-populate the below section with existing directories as you type. You can click the buttons to auto fill in that directory.

Once you have the folder path you want, click the "Load" button to load the data. If there are no pickle files found, and error will be printed and nothing will be loaded.

With the data loaded, the sidebar will become populated the keys of the log data dictionary, showing each data type. Click on the data type to collapse/uncollapse the checklist of sub types and joint names to plot.

Below the input path text box will also be a checklist of the loaded paths. Use this to select which data log to plot when you have loaded multiple runs.

Things may still be a bit buggy, especially with flags. If things don't show up as expected try just unchecking and rechecking the boxes, that might fix it. Otherwise open an issue and I'll try to fix it. Another thing to note is that things may be slow when you try to load large data files, since it has to keep and pass around all of the data the whole time. The llapi data is biggest offender of this, since we log at such a high rate. If things get too slow, you can subsample the llapi data with the LLAPI_SUBSAMPLE variable in This will only take every LLAPI_SUBSAMPLE datapoint. It is set to 10 by default.