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Scripts for releasing data generated at OICR to stakeholders


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Data release

Scripts in this repo are used for releasing data generated at OICR to stakeholders. is used for data release of FASTQ and analysis files generated by pipeline and workflows and recorded in the File Provenance report (FPR).

Linking out files with

Links files in GSI space in directories under /.mounts/labs/gsiprojects/gsi/Data_Transfer/Release/PROJECTS This option also create a list of md5sums for all the files that are being linked.

Use -w or -a to link fastqs or pipeline data respectively.

Example 1: raw sequence data python link -l LIBRARIES -w WORKFLOW -pr PROJECT -s SUFFIX

Example 2: WGS pipeline data python link -pr PROJECT -a path_to_json_file


argument purpose required/optional
-pr Project name indicated in FPR required
-w Workflow used to generate the files optional
-n Project name optional
-p Project directory optional
-s Suffix appended to the run folder name optional
-l Path to file with libraries to be released optional
-e Path to file with libraries to be excluded optional
-r runs Single or white space-separated run IDs optional
--exclude_miseq Excludes MiSeq runs optional
--fpr Path to the File Provenance Report optional
-f Path to file with file names/paths to be released optional
-px Prefix optional
-a Path to json file storing information about analysis pipeline data optional
  • project -pr/ --project: Required parameter. The name of the project as it appears in FPR. If options -r or -l are not used then all the files from that project and for the specified workflow will be linked.

  • workflow -w/ --workflow: Required parameter. Workflow name. Use workflow for non-merging workflows. data from merging workflows or analysis workflows is best handled with the analysis option (see below). The accepted value is bcl2fastq for when releasing FASTQs. This will pull out FASTQs generated by bcl2fastq, CASAVA and fastq-importing workflows from FPR. Workflow name is case-incensitive.

  • project name -n/ --name: Optional parameter. The name of the project directory containing the run folders with symlinks in GSI space. The project name specified with -pr is used to name the project directory by default. Use this option to change the name of the project folder.

  • project directory -p/ --parent: Required parameter with default value /.mounts/labs/gsiprojects/gsi/Data_Transfer/Release/PROJECTS Parent directory containing project directories with links to released files.

  • suffix -s/ --suffix: Optional parameter, but required when -w is used. The recommended value is fastqs for FASTQs release and a workflow name or data type for analysis files from non-merging workflows. This parameter appends the suffix to the run folder name containing the file links.

  • libraries -l/ --libraries : Optional parameter. Libraries approved for release. Tab-delimited file with 2 or 3 columns, without header. The First column is always the library identifier, the last column (2nd or 3rd) is always the run identifier. The optional column is the lane number. The lane number is either omitted or specified for all libraries. If the lane number is omitted, all the lanes for a given library and run will be linked.

  • exclude -e/ --exclude: Optional parameter. Libraries excluded from release. Tab-delimited file with 2 columns with library and run Ids.

  • runs -r/ --runs: Optional parameter. Accepts one or more white space-separated run IDs. Using the -r parameter will retrieve all the files corresponding to these runs for a given project and workflow.

  • exclude MiSeq runs --exclude_miseq: Use this flag if MiSeq runs are excluded from the release. If the flag is not activated then files sequenced on the MiSeq corresponding to a given project and library list will be included.

  • fpr -fpr/ --fpr: Path to File Provenance Report. Default is /scratch2/groups/gsi/production/vidarr/vidarr_files_report_latest.tsv.gz

  • release files -f/ --files: File with file names of file paths of the files to be released

  • prefix -px/ --prefix: Use of prefix assumes that FPR containes relative paths. Prefix is added to the relative paths in FPR to determine the full file paths.

  • pipeline data -a/ --analysis: Path to the file with hierarchical structure storing sample and workflow ids

Linking pipeline data with the -a option

Option -a takes a json file with a hierarchical structure that describes the workflows and pipeline data to be released. Different behaviors can be specified using keywords in the json structure.

Basic json structure

The basic structure is organized with sample ids, and workflow names and ids.

         [{"workflow_id":"19168526", "workflow_version":"2.0.2"}],
         [{"workflow_id":"16962244", "workflow_version":"2.0.2"}]

This will create the following directory structure under the directory specified by the -p parameter:

 |- sample_id
   |- workflow_1
     |- workflow_id
       |- file 1
         |- file 2
         |- ...
   |- workflow_2
     |- workflow_id
       |- file 1
       |- file 2
       |- ...

Renaming workflow sub-directories with the name keyword

Alternatively, the json can include an optional "name" key to replace the name of the sub-directories from workflows to names:

        [{"workflow_id": "19168526", "workflow_version":"2.0.2", "name": "calls.copynumber" }],
        [{"workflow_id":"16962244", "workflow_version":"2.0.2", "name": "calls.mutations"}]

This json will create the following directory hierarchy

  |- sample_id
    |- calls.copynumber
      |- workflow_id 
        |- file 1
        |- file 2
        |- ...
    |- calls.mutations
      |- workflow_id
        |- file 1
        |- file 2
        |- ...

Selecting output files with the extension keyword

By default, all the files generated by a workflow are collected and linked out according to the hierarchy specified by the json.Accepted Files can be filtered and selected using optional keys "extension" or "files". Note that "extension" and "files" are mutually exclusive.

       [{"workflow_id": "19168526", "workflow_version":"2.0.2", "name": "calls.copynumber", "extension": [".gz"] }],
       [{"workflow_id":"16962244", "workflow_version":"2.0.2", "name": "calls.mutations", "extension": [".bai", ".bam"]}]

This will only link gz files for worklow_1 and bam and bai files for workflow_2:

  |- sample_id
    |- calls.copynumber
      |- workflow_id
        |- file 1.gz
        |- file 2.gz
        |- ....gz
    |- calls.mutations
      |- workflow_id
        |- file 1.bam
        |- file 2.bai
        | - ...

Selecting output files with the files keyword

Alternatively, outputfiles can be selected by specifying lists of files with the files keyword for each worklow.

      [{"workflow_id": "19168526", "workflow_version":"2.0.2", "name": "calls.copynumber", "files": [file1, file2, file3]}],
      [{"workflow_id":"16962244", "workflow_version":"2.0.2", "name": "calls.mutations", "files": [file1, file2]}]

This will only link files specified with the files keyword.

  |- sample_id
    |- calls.copynumber
      |- workflow_id
        |- file 1
        |- file 2
        |- file 3
    |- calls.mutations
      |- workflow_id
        |- file 1
        |- file 2

Renaming output files with the rename_files keyword

Another way to select the workflow output files and to optionally rename them while doing so is to use the rename_files keyword. Note that keywords extension, files and rename_files are mutually exclusive for a given workflow but can be mixed within the json.

The value of key rename_files is a list of 2-item dictionaries containing file_path and file_name key, value pairs. This option allows changing the name of the link. By default, the name of the link is the file's basename. Here the name of the link is specified by key file_name.

      [{"workflow_id": "19168526", "workflow_version":"2.0.2", "name": "calls.copynumber",
       "rename_files": [
         {"file_path": "file1", "file_name": "myfile1"}, {"file_path": "file2", "file_name": "this_is_a_file"}
      [{"workflow_id":"16962244", "workflow_version":"2.0.2", "name": "calls.mutations", "files": [file1, file2]}]

This will result in selecting output files from workflows 1 and 2 and renaming the links of workflow 1.

  |- sample_id
    |- calls.copynumber
      |- workflow_id
        |- myfile1
        |- this_is_a_file
    |- calls.mutations
      |- workflow_id
        |- file 1
        |- file 2

Mapping files to external IDs with

Create a table file referencing internal IDs with external IDs privided by stakeholders.

usage: dare map -l LIBRARIES -w WORKFLOW -n PROJECT_NAME -p PROJECTS_DIR -pr PROJECT -r RUNS --exclude_miseq -rn RUN_NAME -e EXCLUDE -s SUFFIX -f FILES

Parameters are the same as described above


argument purpose required/optional
-pr Project name indicated in FPR required
-l Path to file with libraries to be released optional
-n Project name optional
-p Project directory required
-r runs Single or white space-separated run IDs optional
--exclude_miseq Excludes MiSeq runs optional
-e Path to file with libraries to be excluded optional
-f Path to file with file names/paths to be released optional
--time_points Add column with time points optional
--panel Add column with panel optional
-px Prefix optional
-fpr Path to the File Provenance Report required
-spr Path to the Sample Provenance required

Options as defined above. In addition to the map specific options:

  • time points --time_points: By default time points are not added. Add a column with time points retrieved from Pinery is used.

  • time points --time_points: By default time points are not added. Add a column with time points retrieved from Pinery is used.

  • sample provenance -spr/ -sample_provenance: Required parameter with default value: Path to the sample provenance

Marking files in Nabu with

Tag released files in Nabu.

There are different ways to mark files in Nabu For fastq files typically organized by run folder, one possibility is to point to the run directory containing the file links with the following command:

dare mark -u USER -st pass -rn DIRECTORY -c TICKET -pr PROJECT

For analysis pipelines, it is still possible to point to a directory containing links provided that links are not in sub-folders. However, it is more convinient to mark files using the same json structure that was used to link the files (see baove section).

dare mark -u USER -st pass -c TICKET -pr PROJECT -a JSON_FILE


argument purpose required/optional
-u Name of user handling the data release required
-st Mark files fail or pass required
-pr Project name required
-rn Directory with file links optional
-c Jira ticket optional
-r List of space-separated run Ids optional
-l File with libraries tagged for release optional
-w Workflow used to generate the output files optional
-px Prefix to file paths if FPR contains relative paths optional
--exclude_miseq Exclude miseq runs optional
-n Nabu api default
-fpr Path to FPR default
-e Files with libraries tagged for non-release optional
-f File with file names to be released optional
-a Files with hierarchical structure storing sample and workflow ids optional

Generating a batch release report with

example usage: dare report -u USER -rn DIRECTORIES -t TICKET -pr PROJECT -fn PROJECT_FULL_NAME


argument purpose required/optional
-pr Project acronym required
-fn Project full name required
-u Name of user handling the data release required
-st Mark files fail or pass required
-rn List of space-sparated directories with file links optional
-t Jira ticket optional
-r List of space-separated run Ids optional
-l File with libraries tagged for release optional
-w Workflow used to generate the output files optional
-px Prefix to file paths if FPR contains relative paths optional
--exclude_miseq Exclude miseq runs optional
--time_points Include time points optional
-a Nabu api default
-spr Sample provenance default
-fpr Path to FPR default
-bq BamQC cache default
-dq DNASeqQC cache default
-cq CfMedipQC cache default
-rq RNASeqQC cache default

Transferring files through ociwire

Transfers files in run_directory through ociwire to UHN.

bash run_directory

Uploading files to the transfer server

Uploads files in directory run_directory to the transfer server.

tar -cvzhf NAMEORTAR.tar.gz run_directory
bash NAMEOFTAR.tar.gz 


Scripts for releasing data generated at OICR to stakeholders








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