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Single application setup

dennislaumen edited this page Dec 3, 2014 · 6 revisions

No third party applications like message brokers or database servers are required to run the single application setup.

Note: this Motown sample doesn't work on Java 8. See this issue for the current status.

Running the sample

  • Run with the built in 'Maven Jetty Plugin' by executing the mvn jetty:run target.
  • Or deploy the packaged war file to a Java EE 6 compatible application server (only web profile is needed). See Java EE Compatibility for more information.

Exploring the sample

The Demo UI provides a simple User Interface to trigger actions on Charging Stations. Once the sample is running on your local machine you can click this link to open the Demo UI in your browser.

JSON API's (require authentication token):

Web socket endpoint:

  • OCPP/J 1.5, ws://localhost:8089/websockets. Example for charging station with identity CS001, ws://localhost:8089/websockets/CS001

SOAP services overview:


Charging station configuration

The configuration add-on, which ensures Motown knows how to configure the physical layout of the charging station (how many EVSEs? how many sockets? what types?), is preloaded with several vendors and models.

Vendor Model

Demo UI credentials

Logging in to the Demo UI is possible using any username with the password passw. But only username root is granted all permissions.