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MOBI.Europe add-on for Motown

MOBI.Europe is based on a System of Systems (SoS) approach establishing open interfaces between the different initiatives and allowing for the exchange of information, setting the basis for a pan-European network of services associated to electro-mobility, whilst respecting national and local differences. The project will interconnect service agents, final users and regulators. The project looks at it from the collaborative point of view – all stakeholders are both information users and information providers.

More information on the official webpage

The Motown implementation of the MOBI.Europe module features two modules that can be used separately: a Source module and a Destination module. The Source module provides interaction with the user whom performs a transaction, while the Destination module communicates with the back office system that controls the service.

A basic diagram of the communication flow:

[User] <- 1 -> [Source] <- 2 -> [Destination] <- 3 -> [Motown] <- 4 -> [Charging station]
  • 1: Request from user app to the Source REST endpoint
  • 2: SOAP communication between Source and Destination
  • 3: Internal communication between Destination and Motown (Command/Event based)
  • 4: OCPP communication between Motown and Charging station

Source module

The Source module will accept a request from the user app for any MOBI.Europe operation. These requests consist of the following:

  • authorize
  • requestStartTransaction
  • requestStopTransaction
  • getLocalServicesList (optional)
  • getLocalServiceStatus (optional)

The authorize operation is dependent on the app sending it the pmsIdentifier of the charging station (identifier for the back office which controls this charging station).

The task of the Source module is authenticate whether or not the user is allowed to use the charging station (The Destination module will trust the Source module and do no further checking of the provided user credentials). Once the user is validated (and the Destination module which the charging station is connected to is known), the Source module will convert the user request to a SOAP request, and send it to the correct Destination module.

Destination module

The Destination module accepts requests from any Source module and trusts that the user is authenticated to charge. The Destination module checks the availability of the EVSE and activates the charging station using OCPP. When a transaction is finished, the Destination module will send the CDR data to the Source module.

Getting started

A simple implementation of the MOBI.Europe module including a web application to test with, can be found in the configuration-simple module.

The MOBI.Europe module requires some configuration; the Source module needs a list of trusted Destination modules, and the Destination module requires a list of trusted Source modules. A sample configuration script can be found in the resources directory of the configuration-simple module.

For testing it is recommended that a charging station is connected to Motown, either as a physical instance or a SoapUI mock service with a valid response for requestStartTransaction and requestStopTransaction