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Mark van den Bergh edited this page May 8, 2014 · 15 revisions

To get an impression how all modules/add-ons work together a few flows have been visualized.

Unconfigured charging station boots

When a charging station (re)boots it sends out a "BootNotification". In the flow below, the charging station is a SOAP OCPP 1.5 charging station that sends out a "BootNotification" to Motown. The OCPP module checks if it knows the charging station, here it does and it sends out a "BootChargingStationCommand". The core receives that command via the command bus (not visualized). The core checks if the charging station has been configured before. It has not so it sends out a "UnconfiguredChargingStationBootedEvent". The next flow describes an add-on that listens for that specific event.

Flow of a unconfigured charging station bootnotification

The charging station configuration add-on listens for "UnconfiguredChargingStationBootedEvent". The add-on checks its local database to see if the vendor and model mentioned in the event are known. Here the combination is known and the add-on creates a "ConfigureChargingStationCommand" with the configuration and sends it. The Motown core receives that command, updates its information about that charging station and sends out an event to indicate the charging station has been configured.

Other add-ons will listen for that event and update their own representation of that charging station.

Flow of configuring a charging station

TODO boot/register/configuration scenario
TODO authorize and start transaction
TODO something initiated from the Operator API
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