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moh-hassan edited this page Nov 6, 2023 · 1 revision

A new powerful option in v6.0.0+ to dynamically generate attributes for c# classes and properties using a simple text file

A new powerful option --att-defs allows you to dynamically generate attributes for c# classes and properties using a simple text file that contains your template with expressions. These expressions are valid C# code that can utilize C# string functions and other built-in extension methods. You can also filter on classes and properties to apply the attributes selectively.

To use the feature:

  • Add the following option to the commandLine:
--att-defs path/to/file
  • Create a text file (ini format) with the minimal code as given below:
# the attribute for all properties only (exclude classes).
 Format=[JsonProperty ("{{PropName.ToCamelCase()}}")]

# the attribute for all classes only (exclude properties)
  Scope= class
  Format= [AdaptTo("[name]Dto")]

The above file, define an attribute named 'myJson' with the Format entry which will be applied to all properties of the class.

The expression is evaluated for every property / class. The Format is the syntax of the attribute with the expressions enclosed between {{...}}. The expression {{PropName.ToCamelCase().Quote()}} is evaluated with the actual value of PropName with applying the built-in extension methods in OData2Poco 'ToCamelCase()'.

The name of the attribute is the section name, e.g [myJson]

The result is like:

public partial class Manager : Person
	    [JsonProperty ("budget")]
	    public long Budget {get;set;} // not null

	    [JsonProperty ("bossOffice")]
	    public Location BossOffice {get;set;} 


As you see, the 'budget' is the camelCase of the name of the property 'Budget'

Format of the attribute file

The file is ini-format and it's composed of following entries:

  • Name of attribute (section name) which is enclosed between brackets [...]

  • The Scope with a lowercase value: 'property' or 'class'. The default value is 'property' and can be be dropped.

    • For property scope, attribute is applied for Properties only.
    • For class scope, attribute is applied for classes only.
  • The Format (mandatory entry): is the syntax of the attribute with expressions enclosed between {{...}}.

  • The Filter (an optional entry). It is a valid c# expression of one c# expression code. The expression can reference any property in the class PropertyTemplate or ClassTemplate


  • The line start with # is a comment and it's ognored by the parser.

  • Attributes without Format will be ignored, but the cli tool display a warning message.

  • The expression is valid C# code that can utilize C# string functions and other built-in extension methods. You can also filter on classes and properties to apply the attributes selectively.

  • Filter can be on more than one line.

#Scope can be dropped for properties
Scope= class
#apply only on classes the start with 'A'
Filter= ClassName.StartsWith('A')

Complete demo Example:

file: attributes.txt

# file Name: attributes.txt
  Scope= class
  Format= [AdaptTo("[name]Dto")]
  #apply attribute on classes that have the condition Name StartsWith("A") 
  Filter= Name.StartsWith("A")

  Format=[JsonProperty ("{{PropName.ToCamelCase()}}")]

The commandLine:

o2pgen -r ^
 --att-defs attributes.txt -a map json4

Output result: Note: only classes Airline and Airport have attribute and all properties with jsonProperty camelCase

Click to expand!
namespace Trippin
	// EntitySetName: People
	public partial class Person
	    [JsonProperty ("userName")]
	    public string UserName {get;set;} //PrimaryKey not null

	    [JsonProperty ("firstName")]
	    public string FirstName {get;set;} // not null

	    [JsonProperty ("lastName")]
	    public string LastName {get;set;} 

	    [JsonProperty ("middleName")]
	    public string MiddleName {get;set;} 

	    [JsonProperty ("gender")]
	    public PersonGender Gender {get;set;} // not null

	    [JsonProperty ("age")]
	    public long Age {get;set;} 

	    [JsonProperty ("emails")]
	    public List<string> Emails {get;set;} 

	    [JsonProperty ("addressInfo")]
	    public List<Location> AddressInfo {get;set;} 

	    [JsonProperty ("homeAddress")]
	    public Location HomeAddress {get;set;} 

	    [JsonProperty ("favoriteFeature")]
	    public Feature FavoriteFeature {get;set;} // not null

	    [JsonProperty ("features")]
	    public List<Feature> Features {get;set;} 


	// EntitySetName: Airlines
	public partial class Airline
	    [JsonProperty ("airlineCode")]
	    public string AirlineCode {get;set;} //PrimaryKey not null

	    [JsonProperty ("name")]
	    public string Name {get;set;} 


	// EntitySetName: Airports
	public partial class Airport
	    [JsonProperty ("name")]
	    public string Name {get;set;} 

	    [JsonProperty ("icaoCode")]
	    public string IcaoCode {get;set;} //PrimaryKey not null

	    [JsonProperty ("iataCode")]
	    public string IataCode {get;set;} 

	    [JsonProperty ("location")]
	    public AirportLocation Location {get;set;} 


	// Complex Entity
	public partial class Location
	    [JsonProperty ("address")]
	    public string Address {get;set;} 

	    [JsonProperty ("city")]
	    public City City {get;set;} 


	// Complex Entity
	public partial class City
	    [JsonProperty ("name")]
	    public string Name {get;set;} 

	    [JsonProperty ("countryRegion")]
	    public string CountryRegion {get;set;} 

	    [JsonProperty ("region")]
	    public string Region {get;set;} 


	// Complex Entity
	public partial class AirportLocation : Location
	    [JsonProperty ("loc")]
	    public GeographyPoint Loc {get;set;} 


	// Complex Entity
	public partial class EventLocation : Location
	    [JsonProperty ("buildingInfo")]
	    public string BuildingInfo {get;set;} 


	// EntitySetName: Trip
	public partial class Trip
	    [JsonProperty ("tripId")]
	    public int TripId {get;set;} //PrimaryKey not null

	    [JsonProperty ("shareId")]
	    public Guid ShareId {get;set;} // not null

	    [JsonProperty ("name")]
	    public string Name {get;set;} 

	    [JsonProperty ("budget")]
	    public float Budget {get;set;} // not null

	    [JsonProperty ("description")]
	    public string Description {get;set;} 

	    [JsonProperty ("tags")]
	    public List<string> Tags {get;set;} 

	    [JsonProperty ("startsAt")]
	    public DateTimeOffset StartsAt {get;set;} // not null

	    [JsonProperty ("endsAt")]
	    public DateTimeOffset EndsAt {get;set;} // not null


	// EntitySetName: PlanItem
	public partial class PlanItem
	    [JsonProperty ("planItemId")]
	    public int PlanItemId {get;set;} //PrimaryKey not null

	    [JsonProperty ("confirmationCode")]
	    public string ConfirmationCode {get;set;} 

	    [JsonProperty ("startsAt")]
	    public DateTimeOffset StartsAt {get;set;} // not null

	    [JsonProperty ("endsAt")]
	    public DateTimeOffset EndsAt {get;set;} // not null

	    [JsonProperty ("duration")]
	    public TimeSpan Duration {get;set;} // not null


	// EntitySetName: Event
	public partial class Event : PlanItem
	    [JsonProperty ("occursAt")]
	    public EventLocation OccursAt {get;set;} 

	    [JsonProperty ("description")]
	    public string Description {get;set;} 


	// EntitySetName: PublicTransportation
	public partial class PublicTransportation : PlanItem
	    [JsonProperty ("seatNumber")]
	    public string SeatNumber {get;set;} 


	// EntitySetName: Flight
	public partial class Flight : PublicTransportation
	    [JsonProperty ("flightNumber")]
	    public string FlightNumber {get;set;} 


	// EntitySetName: Employee
	public partial class Employee : Person
	    [JsonProperty ("cost")]
	    public long Cost {get;set;} // not null


	// EntitySetName: Manager
	public partial class Manager : Person
	    [JsonProperty ("budget")]
	    public long Budget {get;set;} // not null

	    [JsonProperty ("bossOffice")]
	    public Location BossOffice {get;set;} 


	public enum PersonGender
	public enum Feature
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