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Mikkel Rask edited this page Jul 14, 2023 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the rackbeat-tools wiki!

Here are the how-tos, the dos and donts for the different tools, within the toolbox.


The RB-Toolbox is an entrypoint for the most common actions, that are typically used when migrating or onboarding customers. Like to quickly create product groups before importing their products or stock and mass updating minor changes. Using the RB-Toolbox to access the tools also holds the benefit of visual queues, like always outputting what company name and agreement number the currently used API key belongs to, what import files you're about to import and prompts you to verify potentially dangerous actions with y/n-inputs. Executing the individual tools doesn't offer this, and this on purpose, to make each tool more modular, and able to implement within eachother, all without user interaction - that at least is the goal.

Table of Contents:


There are functions we are able to perform through the API, that we arent through the regular Rackbeat Web-UI - those limitations are made for a reason! This means - do NOT unbook invoices for customers, in situations, where a grown up would have declined the request, and when find yourself doing it anyway, always let them know, that they are the ones reponsible for the explaination, if they end up with missing invoice numbers in their books. But can be useful, to clean up your own test account, of if a customer has made a boo-boo ie while demoing Rackbeat, but has too much in their demo, to want to start over.