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A small collection of python scripts to perfom actions on a Rackbeat inventory. In its simple form, it's an easy way to perform automated tasks through the Rackbeat API.

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📦 Rackbeat WMS API utils

A small collection of python scripts to perfom actions on a Rackbeat inventory.

In its simple form, it's an easy way to perform automated tasks through the Rackbeat API.
Its intented for use on Windows, but the python scripts themselves should work regardless of OS.

Current tools

  • Create Product Groups
  • Create Unit Types
  • Import products
  • Import changes to existing product
  • Create credit note from invoice no.
  • Convert a product to a LOT/Bill Of Material
  • Unbook a booked invoice
  • Update products (like the "Update existing" option from the UI)
  • Update customer:
    • Add discount groups
  • Migrate un-importable data like:
    • Customer contacts
    • Customer delivery addresses
  • Update specific product information:
    • Default department ID (only e-conomic customer has this field)
    • Product Group
    • Sales Price
    • Supplier Product Number
    • Set "Adjust negative quantity to 0" for all BOMs/Lots (BULK)
  • Bulk delete:
    • Contacts in E-conomic (requires additional e-conomic API key!)
    • Customer delivery addresses
    • Unit types

Installing 🏴‍☠️

The toolbox scripts are made in Python, which is of course required. They also depend on different libraries to function as well. A install script has been provided in install-toolbox-deps.ps1, that will verify that python, pip and the nessecary python libraries are available. To run this, your user needs to have a unrestricted execution policy. If you are able to run scripts, you can skip step 2:

  1. Open a Powershell terminal
    Click the start menu, and type Poweshell and click the Run as administrator option.
  2. Set the Powershell execution restrictions as unrestricted*
    Type set-executionpolicy unrestricted in the terminal and hit Enter Verify the action with Y when prompted
  3. Make sure git is installed and can be executed
    Type winget install Git.Git, hit Enter
  4. Restart the terminal
    Simply close it, and reopen it, like in step 1, and continue
  5. Clone this Github repo locally with the command:
    copy the following command git clone and paste it to the terminal with CTRL + Shift + V followed by Enter
  6. Navigate into the local repo
    type cd rackbeat-tools and press Enter
  7. Install requirements and dependencies with:
    & .\install-toolbox-deps.ps1

This will install the latest verion of python, pip and the libraries requests and python-dotenv
*More information about the execution policy and options regarding that, can be found here:

Updating the toolbox 🛠️

When new tools are added, or current ones are updated, you can update your repo to get the latest changes. When in your project folder, open a Terminal (i.e Right click, and click "Open in Terminal")

Type git pull and hit Enter. Your local repo is now updated with the latest changes.

Bearer token 🧸

To use the utilities, you need to provide a valid API key as your Bearer token to be able to make requests.

This token acts as a password to ensure that you have the privilege to perform actions on the account. API keys are personal, and all actions performed with the utilities will be linked to the user who created it.

To generate an API key, follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the Create new button.
  3. Give the API key a fitting name.
  4. Confirm the creation of the new API key by clicking Create new.

After generating the API key, you will receive a base64url encoded JSON key, which should look like this:

It should provide you a base64url encoded json key like so
It should provide you with a base64url encoded json like this (no worries, this isnt an active key)

Please note that the API key will not be displayed again, so make sure to store it properly.

Environment variables

To make sure that you don´t have to edit and save all utils with the correct Bearer token on each run, an environment file has been created, which all utilities then refers to, when looking for the API key.

To use the API key in your Python project, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the .env file in the root folder of your project.
  2. Copy and paste the generated API key between the quotes of the BEARER_TOKEN, like this:
(no worries, this is **not** an active key)
  1. Save the file.

Import file 📄

For each customer, start out by creating a copy of the import-template.csv file. This file has custom named table headers, that the import/update scripts map with what the API endpoints expects. To prevent mishaps, when managing multiple Rackbeat accounts, sticking to a naming convention i.e like {account}-{date}.csv, could help minimize wrongful imports, but has no other function than that.

  1. Open the .env file again
  2. Put the import files local path in the IMPORT_FILE variable in the .env file. So if the import file was located in the same directory as eht .env file, it would look like this:
  3. Save the .env file.

Use the Toolbox

To run the toolbox, execute the RB-Toolbox script:

  1. Open the Repo folder in your File Explorer
  2. Right click the folder and click Open in Terminal
  3. Type python .\ and press Enter.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Please always remember to verify the company and agreement number, shown in the top! Each functionality can be executed individually without the "Toolbox Menu". See below options

Create groups

With the Bearer token set in the .env file, often times the first thing youd want to do is to quickly create some item/product groups.

  1. Execute python .\ in a terminal emulator.
  2. Fill out Group name: when prompted
  3. Fill out Group ID: when prompted
  4. Fill out VAT informations for domestic, EU, abroad and domestic tax-exempt
  5. Set weather the products in this group has an inventory
  6. Set weather the products in this group are able to be sold (y/n)

Create Unit types

  1. Execute python .\ in a terminal emulator.
  2. Fill out Unit ID: when prompted
  3. Fill out Unit Name: when prompted

Your unit type is now created.

Import Products

With both the .env file populated, and and the groups and unit types created, we are ready to rock and/or roll!

python .\import-products.csv will look in the .env file for the BEARER_TOKEN/api key and what file it needs to process.

Note! This script iterates through each line of the csv file, creating the products one by one. This can potentially be a lot of calls, and is not at all effecient. But it does make sure we don´t hit any speed limits, just as it will still create what ever products it can from the import sheet, rather than to abort the complete import if theres was found an error on one or more of the lines in the product sheet. The lines that wasnt importable will be skipped, and an exlanation/error message will be output in the terminal window.

Update Products

When products have been populated to your Rackbeat inventory, sometimes minor changes are needed. Make multiple of those, by importing product updates.

  1. Edit the 7235-24062023.csv file (or whatever your import file was named) with the wanted changes
  2. execute python
  3. ...?
  4. Profit! 🤑


A small collection of python scripts to perfom actions on a Rackbeat inventory. In its simple form, it's an easy way to perform automated tasks through the Rackbeat API.







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