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0. Before installing

Mikkel Rask edited this page Nov 28, 2023 · 1 revision

Since most Rackbeat personel uses Windows computers, rackbeat-tools are made with them in mind, and both the install script, instructions and how-to's are all very Windows specific as well.

Try to look at Windows Support for these tools, as it was the e-conomic integration for Rackbeat, whereas the MacOS support has more of a UniEconomy integration vibe.

All tools are however made in the Python programming language, which of course can run on all types of potatoes and platforms, so every tool can definitely also be used on MacOS and Linux as well!

So these are the few prerequisites needed before being able to run the Install Script on Windows.

Fix ExecutionPolicy priveliges

Setting the execution policy in Windows PowerShell allows you to control the level of security for running scripts. By default, PowerShell restricts the execution of scripts to prevent potential malicious code from running without user consent. Which is usually very good! But to be able to execute the Powershell install script provided with rackbeat-tools we must first grant ourselves the userprivelige.

To set the execution policy in Windows PowerShell, open a PowerShell session with administrative privileges

  1. Press the Start menu, type Powershell and click the Run as an administrator Run as an administrator
  2. In the terminal window type the command: Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted and press enter.
  3. Verify with Y or A when prompted.

Note! This step is only needed if you are using a) Microsoft Windows and b) the install script provided with the repository - if you wish to install the dependencies yourself, this setting is most likely already set as unrestricted ifykyk.

For further information about the Microsoft Powershell Execution Policy please see here:

What is Git, and how do I install?

Git is a distributed version control system that helps manage and track changes to files in a software development project. It allows multiple developers to collaborate on a project by providing a way to merge and synchronize changes made by different contributors. Installing Git provides the necessary tools and commands to work with version control repositories, such as cloning, branching, committing, and pushing changes to a remote repository.

And Git is how we are going to download/clone rackbeat-tools, and each time the RB-Toolbox-file is executed, the repository will automatically pull all potential updates/changes.

In your Powershell terminal now type winget install Git.Git and press Enter. Follow any potential onscreen instructions. The terminal will output Successfully installed Git.Git when it has successfully installed Git.Git.

And that was it!

Well, almost! Close down your terminal now, if you haven't done so already. For the newly set execution policy to be active, the terminal session must be restarted.

Continue to Installing rackbeat-tools