Product identification system is meant to recognize products based on the images and add appropriate product to virtual shopping cart and receipt.
This system is meant to replace self-service checkout, that scans barcodes of products. Instead, people can make photos of the products that they are putting in the cart in the store, and don't need to worry about looking for barcode on product, making photo in a right angle etc. Customer need to just snap a photo of the product, and then machine learning model will recognize the product itself, and add it to the customers receipt.
This solution has ARM templates to automate Azure deployments. The templates are located in the folder in this soultion.
There are three main [build pipelines]( indetification/_build):
- master_full - to build the management portal
- master_infrastructure - to copy infrastructure ARM templates to artifact
- master-frontend - to build frontend app build on React.js
There is another repo which is hosting frontend webapp written in React.js. It can be found here: michalchecinski/product-identification-front.