I'm passionate about building solutions on public cloud.
- ☁ Azure
- ⚙ DevOps & automation
- 💻 .NET
are my main skills.
I'm a DevOps, cloud engineer and architect working with Microsoft Azure cloud. Also, I'm a Gold Microsot Student Ambassador. Formerly I was a .NET developer.
I've got over 4 years of commercial experience. From the beginning of my career, I work with Azure. I used to be more Azure developer, but nowadays I focus on infrastructure, DevOps and automation.
In my free time I like riding a bike, public speaking is my other big passion.
I'm always open to make webinar, presentation and/or help you with preparing conference, meetup etc. Just drop me DM or email.
- Working with multiple Azure subscriptions in console
- Delete multiple Azure Service Principals except
- Using files from other stage in Azure pipelines
- Sending delayed messages to Azure Service Bus
- Task names in Azure Batch
- Pandemia w projekcie
- Azure KeyVault
- Wstęp do Azure Pipelines
- Azure Managed Identity
- Narzędzia dla Azure developera, administratora, DevOps-a