Release v1.2.0
Changes since v1.1.0:
- templatized all the classes and structures with the scalar (for codegen and autodiff).
- fixed a bug in the formulation for the quadrupedal problem (state bounds).
- reduced the compilation time in Python bindings (re-structured the code).
- fixed error in the expected improvement computation for terminal action in SolverFDDP.
- added unittest code for cost classes (included cost factory).
- reorganized the various factories used for c++ unittesting.
- developed the pinocchio model factory for c++ unittesting.
- added unittest code for contact classes (included the contact factory).
- described cost items through shared_ptr.
- described contact items through shared_ptr.
- described impulse items through shared_ptr.
- fixed Gauss-Newton approach for cost num-diff.
- added contact num-diff class.
- used virtual keyword in declaration of derived functions.
- added the unittest code for free forward dynamics action model.
- added the unittest code for contact forward dynamics action model.
- included the cost status in cost sum for global memory allocation.
- included the contact status in cost sum for global memory allocation.
- included the impulse status in cost sum for global memory allocation.
- removed duplication function for retrieving models and datas in solvers (now we do only through shooting problem interface).
- allowed to write internal data of Numpy-EigenPy objects.
- added a general method for setting and getting cost reference.
- added squashing function abstraction.
- added unittest code for testing cost, contact and impulse status.
- moved to CMake exports